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Banned from Official Euro Server

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Caerleon, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Caerleon

    Caerleon Guest

    Hello everyone,

    I have been banned from the "Official Euro Server". Actually I had to leave my pc and didn´t exit the server. As I came back 10 to 15 min later I tried to login again and it gives me the message "You have been banned from the server". I didnt do any griefing or other stupid stuff.
    I just wanted to ask who controls the server? I like this game a lot, but if this ban stays for long I may not play it anymore as this is the only server with enough people and a reasonable ping for me. Is it supposed to be that disposal or is that a reason to ban people?

    (Sorry if the grammer is not perfect, but English is not my motherlanguage)

  2. FinDude

    FinDude KAG Guard Tester

    Can you join the test server?

    If not, I may have accidentally kicked you when dealing with griefers due to some technical complications.
    Check back later, if you still can't join, ask if Michal can do something about it.

    Ps. It's 'grammar'
  3. Caerleon

    Caerleon Guest

    Thx for the quick reply. I tried joining again and it worked. All good and I hope it stays like that.

    Take Care Everyone and keep it up, the game and the servers!!! Its a great piece of work, I enjoy a lot.