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Banning Questions

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Mellian-Quar-Xililix, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    I was recently kicked off a team, not for griefing, but for refusing to leave the team so that a clan could fight on one side. Is this allowed? I am pretty sure this wasn't there server, but I was playing on a U13 one. The clan was NAZIS. If it was their server, I could understand, but I was playing on a public one, without any moderators.

    KAG 2012-04-09 23-11-52-37.jpg

    The image seems to be a little hard to read. To sum it up, its the clan telling everyone to leave the team and then kicking everyone else on the team. I ask if this is their server, while they falsely tell me it is. Finally, they manage to kick me.

    Is this behavior tolerated?
  2. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    In short since it is not their server they have no right to be doing so, FliesLikeABrick owns the U13 servers and his servers would follow the standard guidelines.
  3. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This is not allowed. I mean if a clan owns a server or the server owner supports a certain clan that's one thing, but even then they should have a password on the server.

    I'll see if I can find them in the server logs and will send them an e-mail letting them know it is not allowed on my servers and not a good idea in general - especially for a clan that wants to have a good reputation with the community
  4. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I looked through the logs and found what you described - them kicking multiple players for the reasons you gave. I have sent them an e-mail warning about what they are doing and told them to stop.

    Thanks for reporting this :)
  5. I would doubt whether a clan using the tag "NAZIS" would be worried about their stance within the communtiy. After hearing what happened to Mellian (via skype) I was going to verbally abuse the heck out of them have a firm talking to with some of their members. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, which was a matter of minutes (1-2) they had already left, apart from one. In the end, I'm glad I didn't. I'm just glad justice is being served.
  6. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Indeed, I doubt they care about their standing in the community but since it's a stupid thing for them to be doing I told them if they did it again I'd global ban all of their accounts
  7. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    Thank you for your quick response. Although I was a bit peeved at this, afterward when I found out that they immediately left when Beaster went onto the server to check things out, it really put the icing on the cake. Again, I really appreciate that this sorta thing will not be tolerated and effort is being made to eliminate it.