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Beo's KAG Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Beo, Sep 21, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    Beo's KAG Servers (ALPHA) [OFFLINE]
    Location: Germany [​IMG]

    Beo's CTF Server
    Port: 50301
    Slots: 36
    Gamemode : Capture the Flag
    Ping limit: 450
    Gold: no
    Maps size: mostly 250 x 150 (medium)

    Beo's Zombie Server
    Port: 50303
    Slots: 12
    Gamemode: Zombie Fortress
    Ping limit: 450
    Gold: yes
    Maps size: 118x220 (small)

    Beo's RTDM Server
    Port: 50304
    Slots: 12
    Gamemode: Rapid Team Deathmatch
    Ping limit: 450
    Gold: no
    Maps size: various (small)


    Any ideas, suggestions for maps and settings etc. are welcome.

    For more info such as Admins/VIPs lists and applications/requests, ban appeals etc. visit Social Forum.

    BETA Servers forum thread: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/beos-kag-servers-beta.13985/

    Social Forum: https://forum.kag2d.com/social-forums/beos-kag-servers.62/

    Contact (for suggestions, questions etc.):
    IRC: #beo or #kag @ Quakenet
    Email: vonzgj (at) gmail.com

    If you like my servers, you can support me with Donation.

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Noooo. How dare you? :D
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Furai's afraid it's better than his server? ;)
  4. Baratheon

    Baratheon Shipwright

    Hey, I usually play on your server quite a bit untill recently I was banned. I'm assuming it's a ping ban but my ping hardly pretty much never went over 100 whilst playing, but other on that I'm not sure what else I could of done, but if I did I didn't intend it purposely.
  5. Moroes

    Moroes Horde Gibber

    Is it you Beo from soldat?This server rox like your servers in soldat :D.Thanks for it.
  6. xxpabloxx

    xxpabloxx Shopkeep Stealer

    hey, i usually pwn ur server :3 i like small maps for good action and funny matches like beo´s server
  7. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Have you actually had any moderator requests yet? :huh?:

    I never seem to see any Beo's mods online..
  8. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Was about to post the same question, I play very frequently on your server, the ping is great, and it's set up fine. As everywhere else, griefers appear, and people are not always smart enough to kick them. Quite annoying, so it would be nice if some moderators (or a single active one, I don't mind) would be recruited, so the server stays nice and clean.
    xxpabloxx likes this.
  9. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    I want to recruit in-game moderators, but i haven't got any requests so far.
  10. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I'll happily volunteer to be an in-game moderator on the server; Beo's is the server I normally play on, because I always get a solid ping and the game length is comfortable. Would you like me to get some people who KAG-know me to give you some words on my game conduct?
  11. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Your server is also my main server, there is no much lag and playerbase seems good. It's a great place to meet up with BoW mates.
    Yet there are still often griefers who ruin the fun for us, and therefore I'd like to volunteer for admin status in your server.
  12. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Don't, or I will never be able to try out my powers without abusing.
    Hehe, joking. I can tell Monsteri is quite trustworthy :D
  13. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Sure, i can be moderator on Your server.
    I will play mostly on weekends, but trying to play in work week
    However, when i will be on computer, im sitting 6-13(like a bot) hours on computer.

    Thanks for asking,
  14. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Hey, ill volunteer to be a mod, im always on your server 2:30-5:00! Hope you reply, Sincerely, Froghead48

    Edit: 10/22/12 damn....i remember this..
  15. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    I really don't want to abuse anyone, but I'm terribly dissatisfied with the work of server moderator Daniyo. No way banning people without first trying to make peace with no hard methods can be considered good.
    So, what happened - I tried to use outpost-glitch, that allows you to destroy several tiles of any surface above and behind you, when your teammate spawns, but, first of, I never had a chance to do that, as daniyo has frozen me(which lead to my death, obviously, and we were at the very end of the round, when our team had only, like, 10 lives left. Also, I later couldn't help my teammates as he was all like "I'll ban you, I'll ban you!" and I had to answer him. And all that, in my view, was one of the factors that lead to our defeat in that round. Moderator inflicted a defeat, oh ha-ha.), and second - he couldn't know I was going to use that glitch. He even said he is going to ban me for griefing our outpost, but I obviously didn't do that. Maybe I was trying to bring the outpost closer to the battlefield?
    But I'm honest, so, when he said he's gonna ban me for griefing - I was like "I'm not griefing, just wanted to crack enemy tower open with our outpost". I mean, there is nothing special - everyone does that. As well as shield-glitch, one-tile-wide-elevator, mid-tiles arrow-shooting and etc.
    And, hey, guess what, _he didn't even know about that glitch_. Who the hell gives moderator rights to the guy who isn't competent on all the sides of the gameplay?
    So, I was honest enough to tell him what I was trying to do, and I was even ready not to do that, if that breaks server rules, even said "please", but he just banned me out.

    Nobody cares about glitches - just during that round several times I got killed trough tiles, at least one one-tile-wide elevator was build and I've totally seen knights flying around the map, using shield-glitch. And nobody cared! And all of sudden I get banned for some miserable glitch for one single time! AND BANNED FOR GRIEFING!!!

    Also, is there some kind of ability for server admins, allowing them spawn floating isles in the sky? Because I recently noticed that Daniyo hides in one of those at the end of every round, so nobody could get him, and I haven't seen such floating islands before daniyo appeared, though I'm playing KAG a lot. And THAT is totally cheating, spoiling the whole gameplay. What is the point in trying to kill whole enemy team, when some child with admin rights can just spawn himself a damn floating island and hide in there to feel invulnerable?


    Beo, I don't care what you're gonna do to the noob daniyo(though you shouldn't give mod-rights to every schoolboy that wants to feel himself better than the others), I just wanna get back to the server - I can't see server list, so I can play only at the servers presented on these forums, and your server is totally my favorite among them all =)

    Also, I can be a moderator myself, if you'd like me to. I have big experience in moderating servers - I used to keep an eye on our city local game servers(CS:S, HL2:DM, TF2, Gang Garrison, Teeworlds, Terraria, WOW, AION) and I totally know when one should ban players and when it's better just to ask him politely stop doing what he does.
    If you wish - you can ask your moderator Rommi what he thinks of me - we play together from time to time(And he actually does pretty well with his moderator rights).

    Sorry for the huge wall of text.
    Daniyo and Rommi like this.
  16. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    Thanks for info, RaptorAnton. I instructed Daniyo not to ban players recklessly, without strong proof, warning or talking to them first. I'll disable ability to use editor in-game by RCON administrators on next server restart.

    Also, your application for moderator is accepted. Check PM.
  17. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Thank you, Beo. I'm glad that you solved the situating so fast. =)
  18. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Yea, worm has been using the editor much lately, :P
  19. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Ill apply for one of the positions.Ive been playing KAG a long time now (recently joined forums) and love the server you have (one of best servers around).
  20. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Beo, I think that we need to clarify our official attitude to the use of glitches. Do we care? If we do - then how much? To make warnings? To ban? how long the ban is supposed to be? I mean, griefing is pure evil, and nobody doubts what should be done to those who grief, but what should mods do to the people, who are using glitches?
Mods: jackitch