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Boats n Hoes

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Krizzen, Nov 8, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

    Please leave any constructive feedback on my server, Boats n Hoes.

    I'm thinking about increasing the playerlimit, since its always full. My hardware may not be able to handle it, but I'd love to have a place for more KAG players. What do you guys think of 40 or 50 players? Too many? Not enough?

    How about the server configuration? Is it alright? Any recommendations?

    Just looking to improve!

    Corpse likes this.
  2. Static

    Static Shopkeep Stealer

    Where is the server hosted?

    Also 32 player is the recommend max as there is limitation in KAG that will cause a lot of lag when above this amount.
    Noburu likes this.
  3. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

    I like it if this server gives a lagless play through to 32 players rather than making it that much more difficult with fifty.
  4. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

    Cool. I'll keep'er at 32 until further notice from the KAG team. 32 is fairly over-the-top anyway, hehe.
    Corpse likes this.
  5. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yeah after 32 players things start going down hill, we had 50-60 in the Meteor VPS server sometimes when it was up and things turned to shit at that many players. Best to stick with 32 players for now.

    BTW what happened to that server it had the best custom maps.
  6. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

    Sorry the server is down! I can't access it over the weekend, but it'll be back online Monday.
    Corpse likes this.
  7. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

    OK, servers up and running.

    Please post any questions, concerns, or suggestions here. Have fun!
  8. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Well 32 players for me is too laggy =( I start to lag when the player list reach like 25 players..But 32 is a nice numbers of players..If I can suggest you a thing you could maybe add custom maps.Custom map are very original and epic to play on.
  9. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

    I experienced some lag when its full too, but... I never really asked anyone else if they're lagging. Oops. Soon I'll try 24 players to prevent any lag issues!

    Thanks for the feedback!
Mods: jackitch