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Bombs - nerf, please!

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Blue_Tiger, Jun 8, 2014.

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Ever noticed how easily knights can kill archers? One hit from a single slash kills them, a bomb kills them, jumping from only a few blocks (+shield) kills them. It is incredibly annoying.

    Yes, I feel it is really evened out by the ability of which archers can move, but even so, it still requires a lot of concentration. Whereas for the other party, you just hold you shield, and if they come close, do a little dodge and slash - simple.

    Obviously, archers are made more so for being on back lines and spamming arrows, but isn't that just really boring? This is a game, after all. I want to dive in, shoot some arrows, die a bunch of times, kill a bunch of people, and have a good old game. But wait -- what's that? Oh no, it's the bomb. Yeah, I can't go in close range of any knight because as soon as they get that bomb out, they just 1) slash you or 2) throw the bomb to kill you. There is no escape, especially in water.

    Recommendations? No, don't remove the bomb, bomb jumping is really cool and the idea of using them to destroy walls also.

    You should do one (or more) of the following:
    • Knights can't throw bombs in water - this is when they're most irritating, once you're in the drink, there's no getting out and that's just so annoying for water-based maps. However, if they can't throw bombs, you may just be able to swim away given enough distance.
    • Cannot use your sword whilst holding a bomb - I will be all right if you can use the time when they're lighting a bomb to get in close and Legolas them.
    • Either have it so bombs deal less damage to archers (so you can survive one bomb shot so long as you're at a bit of a distance) or have a mini-shield or cloak or something (under the space control which isn't used) to hold against bombs like the knights shield. It will stop maybe half a heart or 1 heart of damage but only from bombs.
    In addition to these, you could buff the bomb by making it do more damage to structures so people aren't too mad.
    Landoo2 likes this.
  2. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Not all that simple for the knight, you can charge a triple shot, shoot him then run away. Using all different types of arrows, I personally like the water arrow, because it gets you out of nasty situations and can help your team. Singular shots stun up close too. (When he lets go of his shield -> shoot, if he doesn't let go of his shield -> charge a triple shot)

    Are you serious? Archers can use their grapple to quickly run away, and if you know how to play, you would think when the bomb is going to explode and move in it's opposite direction. Also no, archers IMO aren't suppose to sit in towers and spam. They are a support class for a knight. Shooting water at him at the right moment when he has his bomb -> he loses 3 hearts. -> gets stunned again from the bomb explosion -> shoot him again. Rip.

    I don't like any of your suggestions, and think the game is fairly even ATM. Maybe a few tweaks but if you get rid of the bomb damage towards players, can you think of how many archers there would be? Then you'll create another thread to make archers less powerful. Don't be a bobotype and complain because you can't play archer. Every class takes time to learn how to play. And it can be hard sometimes, just keep trying.
  3. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    You can't exactly move in the opposite direction when there is like 10 knights all throwing bombs, or even if there is 1 well cooked bomb as you can't look at all 10 at once. I wouldn't consider myself a bad archer, I generally take out a player for every death and do a fair amount of damage to the enemy's base; I just find it annoying when I just get a bomb to the face and there is basically nothing I can do about it.
  4. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    You should always zoom out and check your surroundings every once in a while. If you see 10 knights coming you should be running anyway, and all of them wont always have bombs, consider that.
  5. JPD

    JPD Shipwright

    When I'm an archer and a bomb lands next to me I pick it u like a man so they don't get a kill. You'd be surprised by the amount of people who won't waste a bomb if they don't get a kill.
  6. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Well then I'll just be on top of a tower raining random arrows in the team fight.
  7. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    blah blah blah make knight harder/dumber and archer skill ceiling lower because im not good enough to have fun with it.
  8. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    locking. Has been talked to death and should have been posted in Knight changes general.
Mods: Rainbows
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