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Branch/tree trap; liver pool trap

Discussion in 'Builder' started by 8x, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    This are two traps I've used a bit lately.

    The pool one is not something new, tohugh I haven´t seen it at any server. It's a normal variation of those Auri's cage traps, but it has a spikey end. The main idea, modifiable for any bigger or clever spike configuration, is something like this:
    Liver pool.png

    It should work better in servers with dyn lightning. This makes you, if entered, push forward and jump unwillingly into the pit or stay stacked. I don't really know how effective it can be as it is in the image. What you see on the right side is a tower with that sneaky pass idea and with 1 narrow tunnel for shooting downwards

    The branch/tree trap is something I just thought of yesterday, and I'm beginning to like it a lot, because it's like using traps in darkness. The funny thing is that you can set a limit to the trees height by using backwall or stone blocks. 3 tiles are enough for not deleting the top. So as you see with 2 tiles of tree we still have a big tree top:
    example 1.png

    After or before this, you make a simple trap (one of those Acavado doors, a simple bridge-spike-door) and you cut as much wood as you need. The spike will not be seen as long as nobody cuts the tree:
    tree1.png tree2.png tree3.png

    This hidden trap works well though it might hurt your team mates if they haven't seen it (when they retreat they keep on jumping for no reason).

    (Ah could any mod change the title - Brench to "Branch"- my english said bb)
    killatron46, Matty_, FG and 6 others like this.