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KAG Broken Server Config.

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by xXflamehawkXx, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. xXflamehawkXx

    xXflamehawkXx Catapult Fodder

    g_debug = 0                                                      
    g_locale = en                                                   
    g_externaleditor =                                        
    k_rendersync = 0                                               
    g_sort = 1                                                           
    g_filterplayerlower = 0                                       
    g_filterplayerupper = 100                                            
    g_filtergold = 1                                                     
    g_filterpass = 2                                                   
    g_filtermode = All                                                      
    g_filtercategory = 0                                                    
    g_videorecording = 0                                                  
    m_width = 256                                                        
    m_height = 128                                                      
    m_seed = 0                                                     
    auth_autologin = 1                                                      
    auth_login = xXflamehawkXx                                               
    auth_remember = 1                                                        
    sv_gamemode = Sandbox                                                    
    sv_mapcycle = Maps/RadioActive's SBOX\Crags_CTF.png; Maps/RadioActive's SBOX\GreenHills_SBOX.png; Maps/RadioActive's SBOX\Hill707_SBOX.png; Maps/RadioActive's SBOX\Hradd_SBOX.png; Maps/RadioActive's SBOX\Lost_SBOX.png; Maps/RadioActive's SBOX\skyfall sbox.png; Maps/RadioActive's SBOX\triblox3 sbox.png;
    sv_mapcycle_shuffle = 1                                                  
    sv_mapautocycle = 0                                                      
    sv_gravity = 9.81                                                        
    g_registrationtime = 11927552                                            
    sv_canpause = 1                                                          
    sv_test = 0                                                              
    sv_restart_on_update = 1                                                 
    g_measureperformance = 0                                                 
    v_bpp = 32                                                               
    v_driver = 5                                                             
    v_vsync = 0                                                              
    v_uncapped = 1                                                          
    v_showfps = 0                                                            
    v_showminimap = 0                                                        
    g_playerlistkey = 9                                                      
    g_screenshotkey = 115                                                    
    g_reportbugkey = 116                                                   
    g_tutorialkey = 112                                                      
    v_postprocess = 0                                                        
    v_fastrender = 1                                                         
    v_smoothsprites = 0                                                      
    v_smoothmap = 0                                                          
    v_screenshotquality = 100                                                
    v_drawhud = 1                                                            
    g_fixedcamera = 0                                                        
    g_kidssafe = 0                                                         
    g_noswears = 0                                                         
    cl_chatbubbles = 1                                          
    v_camera_ints = 1                                                       
    v_no_renderscale = 0                                                     
    s_soundon = 1                                                            
    s_volume = 0.25                                                          
    s_musicvolume = 0.5                                                      
    s_effects = 0                                                            
    s_system = 0                                                             
    s_showmixer = 0                                                          
    s_gamemusic = 1                                                          
    s_ambientmusic = 0                                                       
    s_menumusic = 1                                                          
    s_swapchannels = 0                                                       
    security_whitelist_active = 0                                            
    security_whitelist = Security/whitelist.cfg                             
    security_blacklist = Security/blacklist.cfg                              
    security_ignorelist = Security/ignorelist.cfg                            
    security_seclevs = Security/seclevs.cfg                                  
    security_banflags = griefer abuser impersonation                         
    security_strictflags = hacker                                            
    n_graph = 0                                                              
    sv_maxplayers = 8                                                        
    sv_enable_joinfull = 0                                                   
    sv_reservedslots = 0                                                     
    sv_ip = 0                                                                
    sv_ipv6 = 0                                                              
    sv_register = 1                                                          
    sv_preferAF = 0                                                          
    sv_enableIPv6 = 1                                                        
    sv_port = 50301                                                          
    cl_port = 50328                                                      
    sv_password =                                                            
    sv_rconpassword = private                                                 
    disable_seclevoutput = 1                                                 
    sv_allow_globals_mods = 1                                                
    sv_deltapos_modifier = 1                                                 
    sv_compression = 1                                                       
    sv_fastdeltas = 0                                                        
    cl_name = Vexrak                                                         
    cl_clantag =                                                             
    cl_classnum = 0                                                          
    cl_team = 1                                                              
    cl_sex = 0                                                               
    cl_head = 58                                                             
    cl_hat = 0                                                               
    cl_joinaddress =                                      
    cl_password =                                                            
    sv_maxping = 350                                                         
    sv_maxping_warnings = 600                                                
    sv_maxhack_warnings = 25                                                 
    sv_alloweditor = 1                                                       
    sv_name = Vex's Sandbox                                                  
    sv_info = It's a sandbox :P                                              
    sv_global_bans = 0                                                       
    sv_verify_mods = 1                                                       
    sv_visiblity_scale = 1.25                                                
    sv_max_localplayers = 1                                                  
    sv_bots = 0                                                              
    cl_ask_to_download = 0                                                   
    u_transparency = 255                                                     
    u_showtutorial = 1                                                       
    u_shownames = 1                                                          
    u_agreedterms = 1                                                        
    c_dimension_x = 1                                                        
    c_dimension_y = 0.9                                                      
    c_linespacing = 1                                                       
    c_indent = 1                                                             
    c_key = 36                                                               
    c_history_size = 20                                                      
    c_halign = 2                                                             
    c_valign = 0                                                             
    cc_linespacing = 1                                                       
    cc_indent = 8                                                            
    cc_key = 84                                                              
    cc_key_team = 89                                                         
    cc_history_size = 25                                                     
    cc_halign = 2                                                            
    cc_valign = 2                                                            
    cc_killfeed = 0                                                          
    g_reloadfiles_count = 0                                                  
    g_reloadfiles_wait = 0                                                   
    g_rendergraph = 0                                                        
    g_particlegraph = 0                                                      
    g_physicsgraph = 0                                                       
    g_scriptsgraph = 0
  2. xXflamehawkXx

    xXflamehawkXx Catapult Fodder

    I don't know what to do so
  3. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    The mapcycle is wrong.

    Make the mapcycle in mapcycle.cfg and just use that mapcycle. For example, Base/Rules/CTF/mapcycle.cfg
    J-man2003 likes this.
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Could you tell us your actual problem? What wormy said might be it though, sv_mapcycle is to load a mapcycle file, not the actual mapcycle itself. Mak posted a how-to here. If you don't get it or have another problem please reply.
    Also I moved the thread to Server Help.