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KAG BSOD then can't play [Solved]

Discussion in 'Help' started by jpbkiller, Oct 2, 2014.

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Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. jpbkiller

    jpbkiller Shark Slayer

    Well, 10mins ago , I launched the game , was going to play and have fun and stuff , but , for a reason , I BSOD'ed , with the win32.sys and stuff , the thing is , now when I launch the game , it's in a really small window witch happen to be stuck (music is playing tho) and I have , in the console , a massive spam of this error :
    _"FBO incomplete "
    _"FBO has one or several incomplete image attachments"
    It probably has to do with my BlueScreen , but I'm too lazy to get a headache with windows rights now :I
    Btw , I'm on W7 64bit professional .
    P.S : yes I tried uninstal-reinstall , yes I restarted the comp , yup driver are all good

    Thanks for the help , If I get some ::P:

    EDIT1 : Okay so I just tried restoring the system to yesterday , and Saddly it's all the same ::(: I'm gonna try to reinstall the game on another Hard-Drive , bba with more news

    EDIT2 : Okay , so from another HardDrive, it seems to work , I'm now scared that my other one is dying (wich is kinda bad) so if anyone know another reason why it would do that ... ^^"

    //MOD EDIT! Locked the thread and marked as resolved (Added the fix to the OP)
    // FIX BELOW:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2014
    kaizokuroof likes this.
  2. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    FBO is related to graphic card. What is your graphic card? And how many memory does it have?
    Fuzzle likes this.
  3. jpbkiller

    jpbkiller Shark Slayer

    I actually have a pretty old graphic card , an Radeon HD5550 , but it never failed before , Ima check for drivers , maybe ?

    EDIT : well , some drivers are new from ... today :D So yeah , the games works again , FIXED :D
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
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