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Discussion in 'General Help' started by Coffeemug, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. Coffeemug

    Coffeemug Shipwright

    After staying ~1 minute in a server, I get blue screened. I played with a free account yesterday for about 5 hours and it went nearly flawless. I bought a premium and suddenly I can't play it anymore.

    Here's what did not help:
    Not using premium heads (skins)
    Lowering resolution
    Playing in windowed mode
    Playing in small maps with minimum amount of people (+/- 2v2)
    Making a new account
    Reinstalling it multiple times
    Reinstalling it on a different hardrive
    Playing it with nearly no programs running
    Asking my friend for help
    Searching for the problem on forums
  2. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Pls memorize that if you have a blue screen (no matter if you are playing a game, browsing the web, using some other software, or whatever) you always have to at least provide some infos about your system. Better (much better actually) is to do the following:
    Download Speccy and post a link to your system profile.

    Adding "system.txt" and the latest "console-XX.txt" from the "Logs"-folder to your next post could also help.
  3. Coffeemug

    Coffeemug Shipwright


    Attached Files:

  4. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    • Next time the blue screen occurs write down what it says or take a photo of it. You could also download BlueScreenView and post the infos of the latest crash.
    • Update your graphics card driver to version "285.62".
    • Speccy doesn't show me the version number of your network card driver. So, if it's not "5.790", update it.
    • Run Memtest86+ to make sure your RAM has no problems.
    • Scan your hard disc drive for errors.
    • Play around with KAG's settings (try "Less Effects" option for example).
    • You're running many unnecessary processes and software. Close/shut down the following software:
      • AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2012
      • Chrome
      • ABBYY FineReader 9.0
      • Skype
      • Steam
      and make sure to end all of the following processes before running KAG to exclude software incompatibilities:
      • DivXUpdate.exe
      • hpcmpmgr.exe
      • hpqgalry.exe
      • hpqtra08.exe
      • hptskmgr.exe
      • HPWuSchd2.exe
      • jqs.exe
      • NetworkLicenseServer.exe
      • sqlservr.exe
      • sqlwriter.exe (of course make sure you don't need them atm)
      • ToolbarUpdater.exe
      • VideoAcceleratorService.exe
      • vprot.exe
  5. Coffeemug

    Coffeemug Shipwright

    I've updated mygraphics card driver, network card driver, scanned my hard disc drive, ended the listed processes and now I was able to play for 10 minutes without my computer exploding.
  6. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    So...this sounds like "Success" I think.
    Did it blue-screen after 10 minutes?
  7. Coffeemug

    Coffeemug Shipwright

    Yes, It bluescreened.

    EDIT: How do I use memtest86+ ? I got the thing on my USB, now what?
  8. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Sry for the late response, I was busy with RL.

    Did you download this installer and follow the instructions?
    If yes, stick the USB key in, shutdown Windows, turn it on again, press [Del], [F2] or some other key, depends on your mainboard, to access the BIOS. Make sure you change the boot order so that your USB stick gets booted before your harddisk. Though not every mainboard supports booting from USB so it might be better to just download the ISO-file and burn it to a CD.

    Also, I still need this:
    • Next time the blue screen occurs write down what it says or take a photo of it. You could also download BlueScreenView and post the infos of the latest crash.
  9. Coffeemug

    Coffeemug Shipwright

    Is a video good?
  10. Blue Screens are not a good thing if it keeps occuring it could be a problem with your Hard Drive.