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[BUG] fellow friends die while being in shield-blocking knights.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Monsteri, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    So, I dunno if this is already posted but didn't find any.

    If a player stands close to knight, so that their sprites are a bit overlapped and knight is blocking shield,arrows hit the shield but they still harm the person standing next to knight. I don't think it should happen (haven't tested it yet in test version).
  2. Rockyz

    Rockyz Guest

    Monster it works in Test Version however it does need a slight tweaking i will inform them right away!
  3. DarkDobe

    DarkDobe Guest

    I've also been crushed into walls (and gibs) by friendly AND enemy knights that shieldblock and walk forwards.