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[Build 275] Blacklisting / Whitelisting Players

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by trelawney, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Blacklist/whitelist player names,
    Create a new file named securitysetup.cfg in the directory Base/Scripts, paste the following and editing accordingly:
    # set this to 1 to allow only the names in whitelist
        whitelist_active = 0;
        whitelist = name1; name2;
    # set this to 1 to ban the names in blacklist
        blacklist_active = 0;
        blacklist = name1; name2;
    Note: whitelist overrides blacklist. If you whitelist PlayerA, everybody but PlayerA will be kickbanned on join.

    Do not look for anything relevant logged in the console logs, as this is semi-official at the moment.
    It does work though. If you're on the banlist you end up joining an empty server as Unnamed Player until the timeout kicks in (about 20 seconds or so). During that period you are unable to alter the map in any way.
  2. Teemo

    Teemo T͔̕e͖͚̖̯̩̪͙͝e͡m̖o̤̪͘ Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Is it possible to use the whitelist to make 'priority' players? (for example the player names of a few regulars get guaranteed slots even if server is full) or is it exclusively a whitelist/blacklist one way or the other
  3. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    The latter, no priority list for the moment. I'm trying to be exhaustive in most of the "serious"/instructive posts I make (especially stickied ones). If such function was implemented it would have been explicitly mentioned :rollseyes:
  4. EchoLynx

    EchoLynx Catapult Fodder

    illu and trelawney like this.
  5. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Minor update as the blacklist is working differently at the moment

    # security setup
    # set this to 1 to allow only the names in whitelist
        whitelist_active = 0;
        whitelist =  names; go; here; 
    #blacklist format: name; IP; expiration time and date h:m:s:d:M:y; reason;
    #    IP of 0 means no IP is banned, and the user is just banned by username.
    #        Username of means no IP is banned for that entry
    #    The time is in C++ struct tm format except for the year, which is human readable.
    #        eg: 10:30:0:31:11:2050 is 10:30 AM on the 31st of December 2050AD
        blacklist = name1;; 10:30:0:31:11:2050; Banned; 
            name2;; 10:30:0:31:11:2050; Banned; 
    BlueLuigi likes this.