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Can I change the screen resolution?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Rubberneck, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Rubberneck

    Rubberneck Shipwright

    The title says it all.

    My monitor's native resolution is 1366x768, which clips the bottom of the game window. It's quite frustrating. I did a search and tried following the procedure I found in this thread but the width and height values don't exist, and adding them didn't work either.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.
  2. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    Launch the game, go to Setup, change the resolution.

    Or I don't understand your question :D
    Beef likes this.
  3. Rubberneck

    Rubberneck Shipwright

    I actually found the option a few seconds after creating this thread. I really should pay more attention.

    Thanks for the help all the same.
  4. damaskoschris

    damaskoschris Catapult Fodder

    Hi, in my case the game loads, BUT I can only see the top left quarter on my screen. Any suggestions on how to change the resolution before I start the game? here's no configurations panel before launch.
  5. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    Click on Setup in the launcher.
    Coookie likes this.
  6. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer


    Read the rules, do the effort to *search* buttons on your screen, and if you really don't find, search on the forums thanks to the search bar in top-right of your forum screen. Stop taking place in forums for something really stupid ...
    </br>--- merged: Apr 17, 2013 7:27 AM ---</br>
    I mean something that is evident!!!

    Also if you don't find, ya, you can ask an mod or admin. OR if noone can help you, make a thread, present your problem with images or big descriptions and then you gonna get helped. Really!

    - Coookieh. (Ya, my signature, but it's boring :>:(:)