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Linux "Can not find KAGdedi"?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by FranticIch, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    I rented a Linux server. I downloaded "kag-linux32-dedicated". When i start the dedicatedserver.sh the console says "Error line 4: KAGdedi: Can not find it"(Something like that; It´s in german) I tried just to start the KAGdedi, but I get the same error. What did I do wrong?

    The server runs with Debain 6.0 minimal.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Flab found a fix on IRC.
    He had to install 32bit libraries.

    For people with the same problems:
    [17:08:49] <FliesLikeABrick> what problem FranticIch306 ?
    [17:09:08] <FranticIch306> I get an error "can not fidn KAGdedi" but the dedi is tehre
    [17:09:32] <FliesLikeABrick> it means that you're trying to run it on 64-bit but don't have the 32-bit compat libs installed
    [17:10:23] <FliesLikeABrick> "can not find foo" is classic "missing ia32-libs"
    [17:10:41] <FranticIch306> Okey?
    [17:10:48] <FliesLikeABrick> FranticIch306: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
    [17:10:59] <FranticIch306> ok
    [17:12:40] <FranticIch306> "Can´t find KAGdedi", sill. Oh and i tryed that already. Well something like that. I´m kinda new to linux and using console commands.
    [17:12:55] <FliesLikeABrick> FranticIch306: did you run the command I just gave you? what happened when you ran it?
    [17:13:47] <FranticIch306> Downloading... and then "Error: -web-address- 404 Not found
    [17:13:56] <FliesLikeABrick> FranticIch306: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
    [17:14:10] <FliesLikeABrick> FranticIch306: you need to tell us when a command we give you seems to fail - then it of course didn't fix the problem
    [17:14:54] <FranticIch306> Downlaoding... Done
    [17:15:25] <FranticIch306> Not found. But this time update/download didn´t fail
    [17:16:58] <FranticIch306> Wait, it seems to work now.
    [17:17:08] <FranticIch306> It´s downloading KAG updates
    [17:17:10] <FranticIch306> Thanks
    [17:17:32] <FranticIch306> =3