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Can you type into the server console?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Doc22, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    I was wondering, can you type into the command prompt for the server? (I'm using windows 7) It won't let my type into it.
    kl4060, ParaLogia, Nazna and 2 others like this.
  2. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Tell me exactly what you do.
  3. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    I run dedicated server.bat, and when I try typing into it, nothing changes, and no words appear.
  4. For type a command, use the game console ! ;)
    Rcon commands.
  5. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    What I don't get is that some of the commands say "this command must be executed serverside"... :p
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
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    Because you have to type /rcon first. For example, say you're banning someone.

    /rcon /ban *username* *time of ban*

    If you're not typing /rcon first, it won't work.
  7. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    Oh, ok. I'll do that in the future. :D