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Cannot select Red Team

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Danikah, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Danikah

    Danikah Guest

    So, I decided to make a Zombie gamemode for KAG (okay, I cannot get the infected survivors to join the zombies, but still). Everything went okay (except the map, but that's because the changed colours for the blocks), but one thing: the RED team (the zombies) couldn't be choosen, and when I get to play as them, I couldn't spawn. The zombies also had a tent, the survivors win when they survived long enough, the spawntime was okay, so, everything was okay, except the red team.

    Can any of you help? If necessary I upload the ruleset too, but I wanted to upload it in secret D:
  2. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Post the rules file please.
  3. Danikah

    Danikah Guest

    I fixed it already :D
    But a new problem appeared: even though I set the Blue Teams unit_count to 5, the blue team still get 999 survivor.
    It should be 25, because the team with the lowest member count has 5 member. (and 5 *5 = 25, duh).
    But I think I'll leave it there with 999 survivor, because:
    1. The time the survivors must survive is very high
    2. And with roughly 10 HUMAN players on each team, that 999 will be lost too soon.

    Edit: Goddamnit, I feel stupid now... Didn't know that the rules don't apply to the first round...