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Cannot use an apostrophe

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Squeal, Oct 20, 2012.

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  1. Squeal

    Squeal Shipwright

    For some unknown reason, the apostrophe (') opens the console in-game. This prevents me from using it in chat, which is rather annoying seeing as it is frequently used. There doesn't seem to be any option to change it, so some help is needed.

    EDIT: The almighty Guro has fixed the problem. Should someone else have the same problem, here is what to do. Quoted from Guro himself.

    • Open your scripts folder in the place where your KAG files are kept. Mine is located at C:\KAG\Base\Scripts.
    • Open up "Autoconfig.cfg" in notepad.
    • Ctrl + F and search for "global c_key ="
    • It should have some sort of number after it. Replace the number you have with the number 36;. It should look like "global c_key = 36; // The key for opening and closing the console."
    • That is the key used for opening and closing the console, and my console is set to the home key.
    Bammboo and Guro like this.
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