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Can't access game or website.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by amuffinattack, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. amuffinattack

    amuffinattack Bison Rider

    I can't seem to get into the game, it says that it can not connect to master server and my internet is fine. Now i am guessing this is something going on on the games end since i can't get on the website, but i can't seem to find anything about this on the forums which makes me think it might be something on my end. Is it just me or is it a server issue?

    EDIT: Ok guys this was answered for me, you can close it/delete it. Thank you!
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Whole machine where Master Server and kag2d.com stand is now down due to maintenance. It should be back up in 1-3 hours.
  3. amuffinattack

    amuffinattack Bison Rider

    ok thank you, just wanted to make sure!
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Everything should work now. :)
  5. Yekkers

    Yekkers Shipwright

    Still doesnt work for me :(
  6. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Nope still down Furai.
  7. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator


    I am the server administrator for THD, please try the site and game again now - post back here if you are still having issues and include any details you can about the type of issue you are having/error messages/etc
    Yekkers and illu like this.
  8. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer


    Attached Files:

  9. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    Some ppl from Brazil can't access kag2d.com and/or login in the game. (load the soldat lobby too)
    Just reporting. :oops:
  10. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Is it just me or do all games have a bad ping in the lobby and don't show up a minimap since the downtime?

    The servers themselves are fine when I join, but the lobby shows them with horrible ping and no minimap. (fast join option gives me no servers anymore cause of the high ping)
    DUZ likes this.