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Can't download server list (on build 394)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by messer_cipolla, May 20, 2012.

  1. messer_cipolla

    messer_cipolla Catapult Fodder

    So a couple of days ago I tried to connect and play, but this error showed up. It's weird because the connection I'm using always worked good before. I tried reinstalling the game, but nothing changed.


  2. Coldkenny

    Coldkenny Drill Rusher

    Try to delete Version.txt in KAG/APP/Version.txt
  3. messer_cipolla

    messer_cipolla Catapult Fodder

    Just tried, didn't work :(
  4. Coldkenny

    Coldkenny Drill Rusher

    Delete all kag foldier MANUALY and then install again.

    If it won't work try checking anti virus, it may block it.
  5. messer_cipolla

    messer_cipolla Catapult Fodder

    Deleted the files manually and then reinstalled, didn't work again. I'll try to see if there's something blocking it, but I don't think so...
    </br>--- merged: May 21, 2012 9:44 PM ---</br>
    now it seems to work, even if I didn't touched anything. Nice!