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Windows can't find Maps/generator_ctf_mountain.cfg?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by paragonnova, Jan 4, 2014.


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  1. paragonnova

    paragonnova Ballista Bolt Thrower

    so my server starts up perfectly fine like when i use a non modded server like CTF or TDM.
    But when i use the Zombies mod [Zombies_v1.05] it gives me an error about how it can't find the Generator.

    [12:48:30] File not found Maps/Claire.png
    [12:48:30] Unknown map file extension

    [12:48:30] Generator file not found Maps/generator_ctf_mountain.cfg

    [12:48:30] Restarting rules script: ../Mods/Zombies_v1.05_dy_1.0/Rules/Zombies_v
    [12:48:30] GS SERVER: true
    [12:48:30] ### Setting Zombies Scrolls
    [12:48:30] MAP WAS NEVER LOADED
    [12:48:30] GetMapPNG: No tile map

    LAG 3
    LAG 2
    that last part is what i believe to have made my server to stop working

    (i'm also color blind so i might not be able to see red errors)