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can't get past menu's

Discussion in 'General Help' started by stickadtroja, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. stickadtroja

    stickadtroja Guest

    since i got the update before the one that came today, when i start the game i can't get past the menus, beacuse i can't move my mouse cursor. nothing on the keyboard responds either except the escape key, and when i press it the menu's appear. this doesn't help shit since i still can't move my cursor.
    i tried reinstalling the game, but it doesn't help. i tried on another computer and it worked on that so i think it is that i have windows 7, instead of vista. could that be the problem?
  2. stickadtroja

    stickadtroja Guest

    sorry, should have checked the other treads, got my answer from one of them. restart. wtf almost stoped playing the game... :)