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Can't Join my server !

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Hunk, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    So, I finally created a fonctional server, people join it, they have fun in it, all is okey,blablabla..
    The only problem is that I CAN'T JOIN MY OWN SERVER. The only way for me to join it is to add the command line sv_require auth : 0 , But it makes premium people no longer premium..
    I want to enter my server and let premium stayin premiums !
    Help me !

    PS : The error is : You have not logged into your game account... --"
  2. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Add this line of code to the bottom of your dedicated_autoconfig.gm:
    global sv_require_auth = 0;

    Put it anywhere above:
    print(`Config loaded from 'Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm'`);

    So i looks nice :)
  3. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    Nope.. I already added this line, with 0 it makes all things functionning normally, but I can't join, and when it's on 1, I can join but nobody can have his premium account activated :/
  4. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yes they can...? My server has that line and i've played with several people in my clan with Premium hats. gold name etc.
    + if its a clan tryout server, does premium really matter?
  5. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    It's a public gaming :/