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Can't join servers :(

Discussion in 'General Help' started by madflame991, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. madflame991

    madflame991 Shipwright

    Help! I can't join servers! I can't even get a server list - it remains in a "waiting..." state. The most awesome thing that happened when I tried to connect manually was that the screen changed to a pale cyan and remained that way :| - usually, it just tells me that there is no opened server at the address specified.

    I don't have any intruding firewalls, just the one that comes with windows, and I've had no problems with it while playing Soldat.
  2. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    I have to question : Do your game ask for a login when you run it, aren't you playing in solo mode (Dunno)
    _Can you post the log of your game (Exit the windows without turn the game off, then do a copy paste of the black screen near to !
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