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Can't login in game

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Munchkin9, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Munchkin9

    Munchkin9 Shipwright

    When I try to go to browse games and login it crashes every time after successfully authenticating. This is systematic and never fails. I don't know if it it related but I had an issue with my install of king arthur's gold on desura a little bit ago. I had to delete the game files and the game cache to be able to reinstall it. Now it starts up fine but crashes on login as said. I haven't tried going in the tutorials again...maybe I should have before posting.

    Also on a possibly related note: is it supposed to say that I can get the full version at the bottom of the screen when I already have the full version? In other words, does the game realize I have the full version?
  2. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    • Add "system.txt" and the latest "console-XX.txt" from the "Logs"-folder to your next post.
    • Download Speccy and post your system profile.
    • Have you logged in at "kag2d.com" and put in the premium key you (should) have received via mail?
  3. Murderhead

    Murderhead Shipwright

    I have the same problem but I dont have the Premium-Version in the moment.
    Is there a E-Mail address where I can sent the Log-Files?
  4. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    You can just attach the logs I mentioned above to your next post. Simply click on "Upload a File".