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Can't Type

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Hunter0, Oct 23, 2011.

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  1. Hunter0

    Hunter0 Shipwright

    I can't type in any boxes eg. username, chat. I can delete but can't type in characters. I had to copy and paste my username and password into the boxes to login! Please help!
  2. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Pls provide some more information:
    - game version?
    - operating system?
    - security software running in background?
    - laptop or PC?
    - system spec? (download Speccy and post your system profile)
  3. Hunter0

    Hunter0 Shipwright

    Game Version - 190 and the one before (forgot its number)
    Security - Happened when I didn't have AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2012 too, but now I do.
    PC or Laptop - PC

    Speccy Results

    Operating System
    MS Windows XP Home 32-bit SP2
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 32 °C
    Venice 90nm Technology
    512 MB Single-Channel DDR @ 199MHz (3-3-3-8)
    MSI AMETHYST-M (Socket 939)
    Plug and Play Monitor (1024x768@60Hz)
    ATI video (HP)
    Hard Drives
    156GB Seagate ST3160021A (PATA) 33 °C
    Optical Drives
    Realtek AC'97 Audio

    Compaq PS2 Keyboard (2K - 3)
    Device Kind Keyboard
    Device Name Compaq PS2 Keyboard (2K - 3)
    Location plugged into keyboard port
    Date 9-10-2003
    File C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\i8042prt.sys
    File C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\kbdclass.sys
    File C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\PS2.sys
    File C:\WINDOWS\system32\ps2.bat

    Extra Info
    My PC acts a bit strangely sometimes- it won't let me use some programs for no reason at all when it works fine on my laptop.
  4. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Two things:
    - Update Windows XP using Service Pack 3
    - Give me the url of your system profile. Click here and read how to do so. I need to know more especially about your graphics card.
  5. Hunter0

    Hunter0 Shipwright

  6. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    • There are some "Symantec" processes running in the background. It is not recommended to have two on-access background scanners running at the same time. I don't know if you intentionally left those files on your hard drive, what product they are actually from and if they are maybe left-overs from an older installation. But I would really recommend you to uninstall the "Symantec" product (if you want stay with "AVG2012" and only if it actually is an virus-scanner).
    • There also are some left-overs from some "McAfee Antivirus" software. Make sure you uninstall that too (search online for an uninstaller).
    • If you do not program/code with Java I recommend you to uninstall the JDK. Especially since it's an old version which has many vulnerabilities. Just download the latest JRE (1.6.0_u29) and install it.
    • Shutdown "AVG2012", "Steam", "Skype" and "iTunes", kill the following processes (if running) and check if your issue with KAG persists:
      • agrsmmsg.exe (only if you are not connecting to the Internet using the internal 56k-modem)
      • ccapp.exe
      • ccevtmgr.exe
      • ccproxy.exe
      • ccsetmgr.exe
      • ipodservice.exe
      • ituneshelper.exe
      • pnkbstra.exe
      • skype.exe
      • sndsrvc.exe
      • toolbarupdater.exe
    • Start the game, join a server, try to write something (just like you always do), close KAG and add "system.txt", "app.txt" and the latest "console-XXX.txt" (inside the "Logs"-folder) to your next post.
    Enough so far.
  7. Hunter0

    Hunter0 Shipwright

    Wow, I didn't know I still had all that rubbish on the computer!
    Sphere likes this.
  8. Sphere

    Sphere Bison Rider

    You probably have your keyboard set to some other language, mine was on Serbian so when I changed it to EN I could type. Just change it to english and you can type again! :)
    illu likes this.
  9. tre113

    tre113 Shipwright

    i'm having the same problem. is really annoying. any faster ways of fixing this?
  10. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

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