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Windows Can't update kag

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Bly, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hi all i need help updating kag on my windows 8, it wont change build for some reason so i cant play online (this is what it says, it says engine (build: 422 version: 0.95A) King Arthurs gold (build: 428 version: 0.91A)

    what i have tried
    . repaird it
    . re downloaded it
    . restarted my computer and tried.
  2. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    HardPenguin likes this.
  3. Kripis

    Kripis Drill Rusher

    Or just go to your root folder and look for version.txt (can't remember if it is in a folder or in the root one) and delete it, it should force an update.
  4. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    Build 428 made people unable to update their kag unless they completely uninstalled, or replaced their kag.exe with another one.
  5. Kripis

    Kripis Drill Rusher

    Oh yeah I remember now, when the community split in half loooool