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Catapult firing prematurely

Discussion in 'General Help' started by quakenul, Dec 6, 2011.

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  1. quakenul

    quakenul Shipwright

    I am encountering what I can only assume is a bug: Whenever I'm trying to "charge" a catapult, the charge seems to be prematurely and also randomly released. I can't detect any pattern: Sometimes it charges about 3/4 before it fires, sometimes barely to to 1/3. While I'm holding down the the fire button this repeats until the catapult is empty.

    I did a quick search, couldn't find anything. None of the people I'm playing with are having the issue. The Archer's or Knight's charge work fine/as expected for me. I tried reinstalling the game to no avail. I'm running this on Windows XP, holds true with the latest build as of today. If you need any further information please don't hesitate to ask, I can't think of anything further to provide right now.

    EDIT: I just noticed that there's a dedicated bug tracker but can't delete this thread. Well maybe it is no bug after all but still, if you think so just trash it. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. meastnt

    meastnt Shipwright

    Same but when I'm archer ...
    I just can't charge my bow and it's firing when we wants ...
  3. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Since charging a catapult or a bow works for me (and many others) I assume it's some bug on your side. So pls report it on bugs.kag2d.com.
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