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Chat Bar at Bottom=problem

Discussion in 'General Help' started by _Cuffs_, Jul 5, 2012.

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  1. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    My in game chat bar recently was switched to the bottom of the screen. Does anyone know a way or is there an option to switch it to the top?
  2. 1°/ Go to your KAG/Base/Scripts folder
    2°/ Open your config.gm file
    3°/ Go to the line that says: global cc_valign = 0;
    4°/ Change that line to: global cc_valign = 2;
    5°/ Save the file

    ___ or ___

    Join a server or start singleplayer, once ingame, press the [HOME] key. This should bring up the console.
    /cc_valign 2
    press [ENTER] key
    press [HOME] key again to remove the console
    Type something to refresh the chatbox.
    Now your chatbox should have moved to the bottom of the screen. Changing it /cc_valign 0 will move it to the default top of the screen.
  3. No problem! ;)
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