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Discussion in 'General Help' started by bactra, Dec 8, 2011.

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  1. bactra

    bactra Shipwright

    gretings and hails.

    i wish to procures answers from all known accomplices on kag. for i was browsing the clan section and a thought entered my head at the great speed of win and energy. for i wish to know how i may enter or perhaps even form my own clain. what rules are the'yre on clanning and what they purpose is. what is the necccccccessaryt specification that i am anxious to have in order to join a clans and
    have enjoyment. loastly, if i do have the requirements how do i go obout going about this procedure to ensure smooth running of clan joining.


    please answer as i am begging on my knees and hands for answers to these questionjs
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Currently there are literally no rules or regulations to forming a clan, which accounts for the swarm of lackluster clan attempts.

    Each clan has their own requirements to join.

    Clans are formed for the purpose of creating a group to play KAG with, often in games versus other clans. This is only actually the case in a very small percentage of the clans.
    Valkyrie likes this.
  3. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Let my give you some advice Bactra, I formed the AUSS about a month ago, it is a very time consuming thing to run a clan, not that there arent perks... hell theres a lot of perks... but if you make a clan you have to be smart about it... we don't need another [zen]... ;)
  4. bactra

    bactra Shipwright

    many thanks from me fellows,

    alas, my ambitchon in bringing forth from thre forums a clan have been vanished for as i read more, it seems mroe of a chore than fun. it may be first that i join an already existing clan. one that has its roots in the grond firmly so that a wind from the north will not uproot it and cast it upoon the sea.

    are there any clans that have happoiness in treating fairly new and inexpierncd members(such as myself), so that i will not be torn to shredddss immedialtyely and that they are able to teech with the skill of many able bodied men.
  5. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    If you were an Aussie you could join AUSS, we dont really have any skill level requirements
  6. bactra

    bactra Shipwright

    with much saydness i tell you that i do not use aussie in my routin. my current state of affiars is dat my sister is an aussie as you say, but i prefer not to be because of me being found out to be in feminine qualities. it is that i am kiehls that is my being instead of an aussie. would there be clans that would accept of those who wish(upong a star) to join a clan be of kiehls?
  7. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    "With much sadness, I must hereby announce to you, my friend, that I am not of the Australian persuasion. Rather, my sister is of the Australian persuasion, but I prefer not to to associate myself with those manly men (and/or womanly women), as I have far to many feminine qualities. I am hopeless with my grammar. Would there be a clan that would accept those who wish to have good grammar, but currently suffer from terrible grammar?"
    Fellere825, Noburu, Valkyrie and 3 others like this.
  8. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Blunt and unfortunately short: No, never would a clan do that because they would not be able to understand you.
  9. bactra

    bactra Shipwright

    hella sir, your corection was needed in many ccases as i think that you are the only 1 able to understand thoughts so vast and layden with eggs and such trinkets of wisdom. but i believe you have overlooked that mr darksteel was refering to the shampoo as i was. so it was my inquiry that one clan would be of the disposition to use kiehls SHAMpoo as their preferd method of taking fresh men into their folds for battle.
    Eggnogg likes this.
  10. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Pardon? I'm sorry, you've lost me there.
  11. bactra

    bactra Shipwright

    anyways, it is with much deliberations that i come upon the systematic deceison of farming my own clan. with my use of a spade it will come apart as easy as digging up earth(that has been wetten before and stabbed with a fork from my father). i have contaceted my deer friend and we have come upon a name called "Knights of Nite".

    being as i do not wish to deal with somone whos face i have no seeen with my own two eyes, it shall be of exclusive joining requestss only. as we do not wish to pollute the fresh waters that we deeply want to swim in. but if you body is clean and your mines sharp(without explosion) i may consider adding u.
  12. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    this is getting out of hand, and the question has already been resolved. if you wish to advertise your clan do so in the right section.

    Valkyrie likes this.
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