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Clicking the vote kick check box does nothing (cannot kick griefers)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by PizzaBoy, Sep 28, 2013.

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  1. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Shipwright

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating system: Windows
    Build number: 893
    Description: Clicking the vote kick check box on the scoreboard does nothing. No vote is announced. No player can be kicked. Issue has been occurring for several weeks (in previous builds as well).
    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Join a server (such as KAG Official TTH US)
    2) Open the scoreboard
    3) Click a check box to initiate a vote kick.
    4) Observe that nothing happens.
    Screenshots/Videos: n/a

    I was told by a guard that this issue was not on the bug tracker, and that I should post it here.

    Edit- This was posted by someone else at the same time as me, my apologies.
  2. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    This has been a pretty big bug for the like the last 10 builds. I'm surprised how no one has noticed this.
    Apronymous likes this.
  3. master4523

    master4523 Masterful KAG Guard Global Moderator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Thanks, closing for duplicate.
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