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Colin's Fun Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by King_Colin, Mar 19, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. King_Colin

    King_Colin Catapult Fodder

    Hey there! Just a few days ago I started hosting a new KAG server called Colin's Fun Server. I'm hosting it on my dedicated gaming VPS, so the performance is top-notch. Most likely you'll never have a single lag issue on the server. While I've only been playing KAG for a few days, I have a decent amount of server hosting experience. Right now I'm running servers for Terraria, Minecraft, Ace of Spades, and when it's released this summer I'll also be hosting Starbound.

    Well here's some information of the server to start with...
    Name: Colin's Fun Server
    Slots: 48
    Map: Large
    Gamemode: CTF
    Server Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
    Ping Warning: 200
    Ping Kick: 500
    Global Mods: Allowed
    Units: Limited

    As with most KAG servers, mine likes to ban people for no good reason too. Normally time will correct this, but if it doesn't PM me or post in this thread anytime and I'll be sure to help you.

    I have a website under development for the server, but while that's in-the-works feel free to stop by our community forum at www.cfsgaming.com/forum. There you can find more information about the servers I have and hang out with the people you meet on the server. Also we'll be needing some local admins for the server, so if you think your qualified drop me a PM with why you think you'd be a good admin and I'll be sure to reply.

    Well thanks for your interest in the server, I hope to see you ingame sometime!
Mods: jackitch