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Discussion in 'General Help' started by Furai, Jun 11, 2011.

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  1. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    If anyone is interested here are commands available through \help command in KAG's console:
      Command : auth_autologin
      usage : 
       auth_autologin [0/1]. Ex. auth_autologin 1
      Command : auth_key
      usage : 
      Command : auth_login
      usage : 
       auth_login [string]. Ex. auth_login gostek
      Command : auth_password
      usage : 
       auth_password [string]. Ex. auth_password secret123
      Command : c_bgcolor
      usage : 
       c_bgcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255]. Ex. c_bgcolor 255 0 0 0
      Command : c_bgshow
      usage : 
       c_showbg [0/1]. Ex. c_showbg 1
      Command : c_dimension_x
      usage : 
       c_dimension_x [0.0-1.0]. Ex. c_dimension_x 1.0
      Command : c_dimension_y
      usage : 
       c_dimension_y [0.0-1.0]. Ex. c_dimension_y 0.66
      Command : c_fontcolor
      usage : 
       c_fontcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255]. Ex. c_fontcolor 255 250 250 250
      Command : c_fontfile
      usage : 
       c_fontfile [filename]. Ex. c_fontfile Fonts/commodore.png
      Command : c_halign
      usage : 
       c_halign [0-2]. Ex. c_halign 2
      Command : c_history_size
      usage : 
       c_history_size [num]. Ex. c_history_size 10
      Command : c_indent
      usage : 
       c_indent [pixels]. Ex. c_indent 1
      Command : c_key
      usage : 
       c_key [keycode]. Ex. c_key 0xc0
      Command : c_linespacing
      usage : 
       c_linespacing [pixels]. Ex. c_linespacing 1
      Command : c_prompt
      usage : 
       c_prompt [text]. Ex. c_prompt admin
      Command : c_valign
      usage : 
       c_valign [0-2]. Ex. c_valign 2
      Command : cc_bgcolor
      usage : 
       cc_bgcolor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255]. Ex. cc_bgcolor 255 0 0 0
      Command : cc_bgshow
      usage : 
       cc_showbg [0/1]. Ex. cc_showbg 1
      Command : cc_channelkey
      usage : 
       cc_channelkey [keycode]. Ex. cc_channelkey 0xA3
      Command : cc_dimension_x
      usage : 
       cc_dimension_x [0.0-1.0]. Ex. cc_dimension_x 1.0
      Command : cc_dimension_y
      usage : 
       cc_dimension_y [0.0-1.0]. Ex. cc_dimension_y 0.66
      Command : cc_fontfile
      usage : 
       cc_fontfile [filename]. Ex. cc_fontfile Fonts/pixel.png
      Command : cc_halign
      usage : 
       cc_halign [0-2]. Ex. cc_halign 2
      Command : cc_history_size
      usage : 
       cc_history_size [num]. Ex. cc_history_size 10
      Command : cc_indent
      usage : 
       cc_indent [pixels]. Ex. cc_indent 1
      Command : cc_key
      usage : 
       cc_key [keycode]. Ex. cc_key 0x0D
      Command : cc_linespacing
      usage : 
       cc_linespacing [pixels]. Ex. cc_linespacing 1
      Command : cc_valign
      usage : 
       cc_valign [0-2]. Ex. cc_valign 2
      Command : cl_classnum
      usage : 
       cl_classnum [classnum]. Ex. cl_classnum 1
      Command : cl_joinaddress
      usage : 
       cl_joinaddress [ip:port]. Ex. cl_joinaddress
      Command : cl_name
      usage : 
       cl_name [name]. Ex. cl_name Arthur
      Command : cl_password
      usage : 
       cl_password [string]. Ex. cl_password sexgod
      Command : cl_port
      usage : 
       cl_port [1-65000]. Ex. cl_port 50328
      Command : cl_team
      usage : 
       cl_team [teamnum]. Ex. cl_team 1
      Command : cls
      usage : 
      Command : echo
      usage : 
       echo [string]. Ex. echo echo!
      Command : g_debug
      usage : 
       g_debug [0/1]. Ex. g_debug 1
      Command : g_kickvote_bantime
      usage : 
       g_kickvote_bantime [minutes]. Ex. g_kickvote_bantime 15
      Command : g_kickvote_percent
      usage : 
       g_kickvote_percent [0-100]. Ex. g_kickvote_percent 50
      Command : g_mapvote_percent
      usage : 
       g_mapvote_percent [0-100]. Ex. g_mapvote_percent 50
      Command : g_playerlistkey
      usage : 
       g_playerlistkey [keycode]. Ex. g_playerlistkey 9
      Command : g_precache
      usage : 
       g_precache [0/1]. Ex. g_precache 1
      Command : g_reportbugkey
      usage : 
       g_reportbugkey [keycode]. Ex. g_reportbugkey 9
      Command : g_screenshotkey
      usage : 
       g_screenshotkey [keycode]. Ex. g_screenshotkey 9
      Command : g_tutorialkey
      usage : 
       g_tutorialkey [keycode]. Ex. g_tutorialkey 9
      Command : g_vote_time
      usage : 
       g_vote_time [secs]. Ex. g_vote_time 60
      Command : get
      usage : 
       get [filename]
      Command : help
      usage : 
       help [cmd-name]. Ex. help cls
      Command : k_rendersync
      usage : 
       k_rendersync [0/1]. Ex. k_rendersync 1
      Command : kick
      usage : 
       kick [player name] [minutes]
      Command : kickid
      usage : 
       kickid [player id] [minutes]
      Command : list
      usage : 
       list [command]. Ex. list cls
      Command : loadmap
      usage : 
       loadmap [name]
      Command : m_height
      usage : 
       m_height [integer]. Ex. m_height 128
      Command : m_seed
      usage : 
       m_seed [[integer]. Ex. m_seed 5345
      Command : m_width
      usage : 
       m_width [integer]. Ex. m_width 128
      Command : msg
      usage : 
       msg [text]
      Command : n_disconnectwait
      usage : 
       n_disconnectwait [ms]. Ex. n_disconnectwait 1000
      Command : n_filechunk
      usage : 
       n_filechunk [bytes]. Ex. n_filechunk 8192
      Command : n_graph
      usage : 
       n_graph [0/1]. Ex. n_graph 1
      Command : n_log
      usage : 
       n_log [0/1]. Ex. n_log 1
      Command : n_master_ip
      usage : 
       n_master_ip [x.x.x.x]. Ex. n_master_ip
      Command : n_master_port
      usage : 
       n_master_port [1-65000]. Ex. n_master_port 51308
      Command : netobjects
      usage : 
      Command : players
      usage : 
      Command : quit
      usage : 
      Command : rcon
      usage : 
       rcon [password] / rcon [console_command]
      Command : restartmap
      usage : 
      Command : restartserver
      usage : 
      Command : s_effects
      usage : 
       s_effects [0/1]. Ex. s_effects 1
      Command : s_soundon
      usage : 
       s_soundon [0/1]. Ex. s_soundon 1
      Command : s_system
      usage : 
       s_system [0-7]. Ex. s_system 1
      Command : s_volume
      usage : 
       s_volume [0.0-1.0]. Ex. s_volume 1.0
      Command : savemap
      usage : 
       savemap [name]
      Command : sv_info
      usage : 
       sv_info [string]. Ex. sv_info This server is hosted by the good people from Goodco
      Command : sv_ip
      usage : 
       sv_port [0/]. Ex. sv_ip
      Command : sv_maxhack_warnings
      usage : 
       sv_maxhack_warnings [ms]. Ex. sv_maxhack_warnings 10
      Command : sv_maxping
      usage : 
       sv_maxping [ms]. Ex. sv_maxping 500
      Command : sv_maxping_warnings
      usage : 
       sv_maxping_warnings [ms]. Ex. sv_maxping_warnings 50
      Command : sv_maxplayers
      usage : 
       sv_maxplayers [1-255]. Ex. sv_maxplayers 32
      Command : sv_name
      usage : 
       sv_name [string]. Ex. sv_name My little server
      Command : sv_password
      usage : 
       sv_password [name]. Ex. sv_password iLiKeFlOwErSaNdHuGs
      Command : sv_port
      usage : 
       sv_port [1-65000]. Ex. sv_port 50301
      Command : sv_rconpassword
      usage : 
       sv_rconpassword [password]. Ex. sv_rconpassword youwillneverguessthishahaha
      Command : u_guiconfig
      usage : 
       u_guiconfig [filename]. Ex. u_guiconfig GUI/gui.cfg
      Command : u_shownames
      usage : 
       u_shownames [0-1]. Ex. u_shownames 1
      Command : u_showtutorial
      usage : 
       u_showtutorial [0-1]. Ex. u_showtutorial 1
      Command : u_transparency
      usage : 
       u_transparency [0-255]. Ex. u_transparency 255
      Command : v_bpp
      usage : 
       v_bpp [16/32]. Ex. v_bpp 32
      Command : v_driver
      usage : 
       v_driver [0-4]. Ex. v_driver 1
      Command : v_fullscreen
      usage : 
       v_fullscreen [0/1]. Ex. v_fullscreen 1
      Command : v_height
      usage : 
       v_height [pixels]. Ex. v_height 480
      Command : v_screenshotquality
      usage : 
       Screenshot JPEG quality [0-100]. Ex. screenshotquality 100
      Command : v_showfps
      usage : 
       v_showfps [0/1]. Ex. v_showfps 1
      Command : v_showminimap
      usage : 
       v_showminimap [0/1]. Ex. v_showMinimap 1
      Command : v_smoothmap
      usage : 
       smoothMap [0-1]. Ex. smoothMap 1
      Command : v_smoothsprites
      usage : 
       v_smoothsprites [0-1]. Ex. v_smoothsprites 1
      Command : v_vsync
      usage : 
       v_vsync [0/1]. Ex. v_vsync 1
      Command : v_width
      usage : 
       v_width [pixels]. Ex. v_width 640
      Command : w_camera_poslag
      usage : 
       w_camera_poslag [real]. Ex. w_camera_poslag 3.0f
    Later maybe I'll give it proper comments and post it on wiki (when I figure out how this wiki editing works).
    GloriousToast likes this.
  2. Doom6464

    Doom6464 Guest

  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    It's not longer up-to-date. Check wiki. (Which is more up to date than this one but not up to latest build.)
    Froghead48 likes this.
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