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Constantly Disconnected

Discussion in 'General Help' started by ploglo, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. ploglo

    ploglo Shipwright

    I am really starting to enjoy this game but i am having a hard time playing it because after about 5 minutes of playing any match, i get disconnected. I'm having no lag in the game and have done everything i can short of buying a totally new computer, any help. I've also changed some of the in game settings so it probably isn't lag related. My DSN is also decent enough and have never had it screw up any of my other games so I doubt thats the problem either.
  2. MarkJ

    MarkJ Shipwright

    I have the same problem. I can't really put my finger on what causes the frequent disconnects. Sometimes I can play an hour on end. At other moments I've just joined a server and I'm disconnected already.

    After one of these disconnects I do notice that I cannot directly re-load the server list. It's as if I've been disconnected from the master server or something.

    I use a wireless connection for my internet, however I'm only 2 meters from the access point, so it is very reliable.
  3. shadeobrady

    shadeobrady Catapult Fodder

    I would also like to see some help for this topic - I'm not really seeing answers in any threads I've looked at.

    I have a very low ping, a solid internet connection, and a great computer. This is the only game I've ever had lag issues like this with and that shouldn't be an issue with this style of game.

    Why am I constantly disconnected from the game servers?
  4. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    There isn't a master server that you maintain a persistent connection to - just the web API, which is very strongly related to the website - if you can connect to here, there's not much of a reason why you wouldn't be able to connect to the API.

    Being disconnected from the actual server is almost certainly the result of a ping ban, which is very temporary and usually happens if you have fluctuations in your connection, or you're connecting to a server a while away. It's not possible to say "I have low ping" in general - because it will vary depending on the server you're connecting to. If you connect to an EU server from the US, you will probably be able to play, until you have a small fluctuation in your net, which will be just enough to push you above the threshold.

    There is a total amount of time you have to remain above that threshold though, and if you really do have a solid internet connection it shouldn't be an issue unless you're actually connecting to a server on the other side of the world.

    Saying lag issues shouldn't be an issue with this style of game is also rather misguided; although the graphics are simple, there are hundreds and hundreds of game objects being created and destroyed, sometimes thousands of gibs and other effects, tiles being created and destroyed and collapse chunks falling and being simulated; and for the sake of modding, almost all of their logic is in scripts, which perform worse than native code. There is a lot of stuff to sync through the network and keep up to date with your CPU, much more than is going on in your average game of call of duty, for example.

    If you aren't already, try directly connecting to your modem/router with an ethernet cable rather than wifi - if this fixes the issue, wifi fluctuations (common in cheap routers and network cards) are likely the culprit.
    Make sure you're playing on servers with <100 ping from the server browser as well; there are servers all over the world, not just in your country.

    If you can't get the server list, check if kag2d.com is available - at the moment we've been getting intermittent attacks that have taken the site down, and this may be causing the issue with no servers loading (though it shouldn't cause you to be disconnected from the game).
    I3lue likes this.