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Crash when I try to join.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Slithica, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Slithica

    Slithica Shipwright

    Ok whenever I play the knights are blurry things. Most of the time it just crashes when I try to join a server. These are the crash logs. Also I can enter the building tutorial but not the battle one if that means anything... I think it might be just the knight file. Also a screenshot of what the knight looks like when I can finally play.

    Attached Files:

  2. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    try using my sprites. just extract and replace the whole sprite folder, KAG\Base\Sprites

    Attached Files:

  3. Slithica

    Slithica Shipwright

    No it didn't help.. I've tried reinstalling but to no avail. I really enjoyed the game when I could play it, I hope someone can tell me how to fix it. I'll try playing it on a linux virtual machine and see if it helps.
  4. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    hmm try and open up your autoconfig in Base\Scripts

    and change global cl_head = 255; // to like global cl_head = 5; //
  5. Slithica

    Slithica Shipwright

    There was no global cl_head value in autoconfig.gm but I added it. There was no change sadly :(
  6. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    are you sure there wasn't a global cl_head value? it's somewhere down the bottom.

    remove the line you just added, save it then try going ingame such as the building tutorial, press the home key and type \cl_head 14

    then see if you can play the sword fight tutorial.

    sorry if i feel like im leading you on a wild goose chase - if this doesn't work jump on the IRC as it is easier to find a solution in real time.
  7. Slithica

    Slithica Shipwright

    Well I went back to notepad and did another search this time it found the cl_head part... I don't know why it didn't originally but I changed it to 5 my addition wasn't there anymore. When I typed in cl_head 14 and tried to switch to the sword fight it crashed. I'll try the IRC now.

    EDIT: Never fixed it good thing I'm getting a new laptop in a week. Should be able to play it then.