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Creating a Gold Server with Night/Lanterns

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Kurtino, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Has anyone got a tutorial or guide to turn a normal dedicated server into one with all of the extra buildings, Kegs, day and night cycles and lanterns? Maybe a ready made cfg file? Any help would be appreciated.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Not a tutorial per se, but a few good preset workshops and such @ https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/day-night-ctf.4680/ . Lanterns come from workshops.

    Day/Night cycle is a matter of adding the following variables to Base/Rules/CTF/gamemode.cfg (assuming CTF is the mode you wish to edit):

    daycycle_speed = 6           # 1 day = (daycycle_speed) minutes; / 0 no cycle
    daycycle_start = 0.33        # 0.0 midnight; 0.5 - midday; 1.0 midnight
    Rayne likes this.
  3. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Ah was looking for a while at that thread until I noticed I needed to download the .rar, thanks for your help!
    So I edd the two variables as new lines in the gamemode.cfg, and I do what the readme says in that file.

    Will this pack give me the workshops as soon as I extract them? I'll have a read of the readme a little longer.
  4. Machinista

    Machinista Shopkeep Stealer

    The Mechanics and Demolition shops etc are not in the default CTF_Room.cfg. You'll need to extract what you want from Zombie_Room.cfg (see /Base/Entities/Rooms/).

    Alternatively, copy Zombie_Room.cfg to CTF_Room.cfg (keep the old CTF_Room.cfg as a backup) and edit the new CTF_Room.cfg as needed e.g: edit cost of workshops/items and remove the shops and items you don't want in CTF.
    trelawney likes this.