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Dedicated Server Crashes - Compile Your Lists!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by eastonch, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    Dear Server Owners,

    I've noticed that this game is still in alpha, but still has some large bugs from within multiplayer, i'm making this thread so sort of collaborate all of the thoughts & issues upon the server files & launching. I've got a team of people watching a couple of servers and getting the errors that they find via email, i'll post here. And i'll also watch my own.

    Here's just something i've found that crops up ALOT!

    [342362] Bad snapshot; skipping 27b fail 50 (last packet 50 once 66)
    Bad delta!
    [342363] Bad snapshot; skipping 19b fail 49 (last packet 50 once 59)
    Bad delta!
    [342364] Bad snapshot; skipping 19b fail 48 (last packet 50 once 59)
    And also this..

    yuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyy[345710] New player joined the game
    [345712] [master] Player is authenticated Unnamed player (4009893468)
    yyuybbnyy[345717] Unnamed player is now known as Yump
    yuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyyyuyybbnyy[346221] New player joined the game
    [346223] [master] Player is authenticated Unnamed player (1396602702)
    What is this "yyuybby" stuff? It's not something i've come across, sometimes it will spit out "Oh, banned client" are these illegitimate users, or hackers?

    yuyybbnyy[347038] Voting too soon 148/180
    I hope somebody can explain, and also, other server owners can actually post on here and we can collaborate together the problems and MM doesnt' have to look through thousands of posts to find the reports, it's all in this little list!
    As a personal request towards MM, could you please make these echo'd errors a little more informative? Or atleast make some sort of wiki detailing "yeah, this means x and that means y" Obviously some errors you cant' say mean an exact thing, but something which either relates to client or to server. Would be helpful for us to know if the server is having issues or the clients themselves are.
    Owner of the Largest 128Slot KAG Server! (MeteorVPS!)
    trelawney likes this.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    mm has suggested we run gdb on the server prior to reporting.
    Find the PID of server in question and run
    gdb -p PID
    . Type c to continue and then report whatever the debugger spews out.

    btw, both kag and gdb have to be running at the same time, i personally use a seperate screen window but you can achieve the same via nohup or whatever multiplexer/daemoniser you fancy.

    I fully support the idea of more informative errors.

    p.s. a sample report @ http://kagforum.com/index.php?threads/server-keep-crashing.1242/#post-18904

    (should this be moved to Server subforum?)
  3. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    Didnt see that one, I will put gdb running on my next run of the server, need to research a little about it too.

    Looks to be honest, like the issue lies with the network getting some really spammy reports / echos. As per the first block of errors being "packets" Maybe it needs to be cleaned up a little? not a coder by trade so I couldnt reccomend anything, I just hope that he worms out all of his issues and that he enjoys the flow of people that will surely come play!