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Describe how you play knight?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheBloodyWolf, Jul 18, 2016.


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  1. TheBloodyWolf

    TheBloodyWolf Arsonist

    I wonder how different people see how they play knight, i created this thread because i was bored and wanted to know how people describe their knight playstyles AKA how they play knight.

    I don't know what else to put in this thread except how i describe my own playstyle.

    I focus on moving fast and unpredictably (walljumps and shieldslides mostly), and getting instakills and combos on other knights, whilst being inconspicuous about it. (though by saying that people know now)

    Once again, i will say i am bored. because i feel like it. (idk if this belongs in Classes & mechanics under Knight, It probably does.)

    7/31/2016 Info on my playstyle is now useless.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
  2. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    Magmus and Blue_Tiger like this.
  3. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    I think I'm an awful knight but my playstyle usually involves having awareness of all players in vision on the map and reacting/supporting where appropriate.

    This can range from defending the front line to secure mid, catch kegs and bombs, support ally knights in one on one by purely shielding enemy attacks for them/tanking damage, throwing hearts to allies and may other random things that need awareness.

    In a nutshell not really a positive k/d sort of front liner but more utility play and teamwork seeking. Also love to pull off some silly plays in matches but that's for more suited for the pub thread :wink:
    Osmal and an_obamanation like this.
  4. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I've always been an ech knight, but when I play I prefer to adapt to what's needed.
    For example, people tend to 5 at me when they see me standing in front of an enemy builder's door like I'm idle; I'm usually pressuring them not to move forward just by being there, and any type of slowdown to an enemy builder getting in base is helpful.
    When my ping is actually on my side so I can predict slashes and how far I can backstep, it's mainly just trying to lure slashes so that I can reasonably counter-slash. Used to be extremely aggressive when velocity slashes were a thing, but now I prefer to stay back and just be a potential wall for builders and archers moving up.

    Summed up, my playstyle is in two words : harassment and support.
    an_obamanation and SirDangalang like this.
  5. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    What the enemy really sees whilst Yagger is waiting at their door:

  6. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

    When I feel like trying lone wolf is always fun, jumping onto the enemy tower and then coming up with a plan from there to do as much damage as I can. Breaking shops, saws etc swapping to builder or buying a keg if I can get into their shops.

    If I don't wanna focus that much I'll just push aggressively for the team.

    If I'm not trying at all I just feed the enemy Knights coins by trying to pull wonky ass moves and failing.
    Osmal and an_obamanation like this.
  7. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Like that saw bombing you did on Ships and Sails one time lol, that shit was funny.

    TDM: I'm aggressive until I come to counterslashers, in which case I retaliate with my own counterslashing. I also like spamming bombs and hadoukens when I get coins up.

    CTF: Lone wolfing, I especially like jumping into big crowds of knights and bouncing between them, or just jumping on their heads. I rarely use kegs because I always fuck them up, only times I do are for hadoukens. I like to bomb jump up on top of the enemy flag case and then spam bombs on the top as that tends to be the least fortified part (Save the side the tent is on)

    TTH: I camp by enemy hall doors/bait them into dying in the door so I can capture halls that way. Otherwise i'm always playing builder until inside an enemy hall in which case I switch classes to knight to make it less likely that i'll die.
  8. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    It's been a while since i play knight, but my playstyle was just baiting players until i find the perfect "window" to attack them.
    an_obamanation likes this.
  9. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Ever since mehwaffle shit on me with my own bomb I have completely devoted myself to catching people bomb in an effort to tilt everyone who dares try to bomb my tower camping archers. I either throw it back or sometimes take the liberty to use it in a bomb jump to get revenge on the poor fool who mistimed their bomb. This is my ultimate goal. My only goal. If I catch your bomb I am happy man no matter the outcome. Even if it blows up in my face I still took the simple satisfaction away from you. And I know that when you see that bomb enter my hand, a little part inside of you dies. This is how I play knight.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  10. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Since my previous post about OP was removed, this is how I played knight back in 2012. All legit: https://api.kag2d.com/player/wormy/status
    "banReason": "cheating - speedhack.",

    1. Turn a certain program (initials are "CE") on
    2. Join a CTF server full of players
    3. Apply speedhack (1.1 if I don't want people to see it, if I want to annoy people fooking hard then just 5.0 for example)
    4. Change to Knight
    5. Move to enemy side and jabspam
    6. After about 10 minutes turn it off because Guards would probably come by then
    7. Go make 10 posts on forums about how it's all lies and fake (posts need to be full of grammatical and ortography errors)
    8. Get banned because someone recorded you anyway
    9. Make an alt account and buy KAG again
    10. Repeat if you want. I didn't...
    Magmus and Psiklaw like this.
  11. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    ummm ok so first of al-JAB JAB JAB JAB!
    after that i tend to d-JAB JAB JAB!
    and to finish them of-JAB JAB JAB!

    so yea, i'd say i am a pretty competent knight
    jimmyzoudcba, Magmus, Psiklaw and 2 others like this.
  12. jibbo35442

    jibbo35442 Base Burner

    I only know how to pub stomp (RMB to block).
  13. Sytoplasma

    Sytoplasma Haxor

    Describe how I play knight?

    I die. :/
    jimmyzoudcba, Magmus, Psiklaw and 5 others like this.
  14. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I like to use a lot of multibomb jumps to bounce all over the place and kill scrubs, ideally at the same time. Flashy and fun! If I am sucking ass and am too poor to afford bombs I just back up my allies.
  15. neil58

    neil58 Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    My personal way is blindly slashing at enemies without any concept of timing. Eventually, I realize that I'm still bad at knight and go back to playing archer. 'Cause fuck knights.
    Magmus, Psiklaw, Blue_Tiger and 3 others like this.
  16. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

    it's all tru
    an_obamanation likes this.
  17. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    I hear that freezing people gives you a big advantage
  18. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I enjoy getting into people's bases and destroying habitat. I'm really not that good, but after playing ample time as builder, I learned weaknesses in buildings and I abuse them as knight.
    toothgrinderx likes this.
  19. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Admin on: Baron's Warchest,Black Death,[MaD] Public CTF,Official Servers,BoW servers

    Well, you'd do it only on Offi anyway... Other servers are safe! 78787878
  20. CowboyDan

    CowboyDan Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    yeah i just spam c whenever a knight is coming at me with a bomb.