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Disconnect After Joining.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Wired, May 5, 2012.

  1. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    So after recently downloading KAG it seems when ever I try to join a server I can play for about 1m but then get auto disconnected. I have tried reinstalling already it didn't seem to help. I understand this may be down to me having bad internet. But I just wanted to know what you guys had to say.

    This is what the console says:

    Here is a vidio of the problem:

    Edit: Here is the mantis report. (Logs inside)
  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Hmm what OS do you use?

    I meant OS version?

    Also may be a while for a dev to respond since its weekend.
  3. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Quite weird you're saying you can immediately join a server after you've been disconnected, since that shouldn't be possible if you get kicked with a crap connection.

    It's probably cause of a crap connection anyway :(
  4. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    Is that the information you wanted? And I completely understand if it takes a dev a while.
  5. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Very odd indeed, since the console output doesn't show anything "bad', and neither does the server side:

    [15:42:36] Unnamed player is now known as wired
    [15:42:54] Player wired left the game (players left 0)
    [15:43:53] Restarting map because of inactivity
    [15:43:53] *Restarting Map*
    [15:43:53] Generating map from seed 1256; size 76500 bytes
    ...../................................./...........................[15:43:57] *Match Ended*
    [15:44:08] * Wired connected (admin: 0 guard 0 gold 1)
    [15:44:11] Unnamed player is now known as wired
    [15:44:31] Player wired left the game (players left 0)
    [15:44:57] *Match Started*
    [15:45:56] Restarting map because of inactivity
    [15:45:56] *Restarting Map*

    Being that it happens on windows and mac at home, I have a feeling this is some odd network issue. Going to talk to him about it more
  6. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    Just thought I would clarify, in the new update I still disconnect.
    Reference to:
  7. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Sorry - that is referencing a specific disconnect issue that was introduced during development and testing, and that note was for the testers :)

    I'm going to take that out of the changelog since it is not referencing an issue that existed before this release publicly
  8. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    I'm just wondering, can you think of any reason for the auto DC other then my routers not being updated?
  9. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    not really, since it happens on all computers in your house. You're joining servers that show a low ping in the server browser, right?
  10. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    Not all computers. (Haven't tried any others, will ASAP) And I've tried joining every type of server, low or high. I just find it strange that this is the the only game I have this problem with.

    Edit: Yep, auto disconnected on other computer. Will try bring my laptop to a different wifi spot soon to see if it works there.