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Disconnected and banned without reason

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DePuce, Nov 30, 2011.

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  1. DePuce

    DePuce Shipwright


    I have a question, why I get disconnected and banned from the game? I play normally and when I'm on a killing spree, then game writes out: disconnected and when I try to re-log game says: banned from game.
    I don't cheat nor hack... Any advice? or I shouldn't kill people?

  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Maybe you're getting ping kicked? Are you downloading anything while playing? Or do you try to join servers with high ping (located far away from place where you live)?
  3. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    Hi Duc,

    This is a fairly common question. If you play on a server where your ping is too high, it will automatically kick and ban you for 10 minutes. To avoid this, try to find servers that your ping is "Good" or "Great" in. Also, be aware that random ping spikes could be the cause of this- It may be a firewall or some other antagonist of networking holding you back.

    For any future troubles like this, please use the "Help" board instead, or search for a similar and already existing topic (of which there are several for this issue). Thanks, and I hope you enjoy KAG!
  4. DePuce

    DePuce Shipwright

    ping is around 100. but sometimes game gets laggy and after that a few min. I get banned. Maybe that is the reason? but why ban? kick not enough?
  5. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    I believe the ban is to encourage you to find a different server, so that the other players with acceptable pings on the server in question don't have to try to battle someone who blinks in and out of existance when they move (which is how you'd appear to them). Note that you are only banned from the server, not the game, allowing you to try another server. If this keeps on happening, it may be an issue with your firewall or other networking antagonist.
  6. DePuce

    DePuce Shipwright

    The problem is the servers which have excellent ping have 0 players :( that is why sometimes I have to join higher ping servers, but anyways thank you for the quick replies! I knew this game is worthy to buy :)) (P.S. only make the MAC client work :))
  7. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    Usually high-ping server populations pick up a little later in the day (depending, of course, on your timezone). For example, I'd be playing now if I could, but sadly I'm still at work, so all I can do is skim the forums.

    Quick, off-topic question- Is your username by chance a reference to Duc DePuce from Stronghold? I have to say, he was my favorite tyrant of the four.
  8. DePuce

    DePuce Shipwright

    Ok then I know why I get sometimes banned. I'm from Central Europe and there are some EU servers. I will check the others out aswell!

    Yes. In every medieval game I use the DePuce name. The Rat's character is really funny, that is why he is my favorite character. Now I'm working on my DePuce signature banner :)
    Zuboki likes this.
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