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Disconnected from servers with an odd message, and unable to reconnect

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Thorn, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    So I've been disconnected from two servers today seemingly for no reason, and I am unable to reconnect afterwards. My status window says this when it happens:

    [32374] Bad snapshot - skipping 705 bits (fail 1)
    [32374] Disconnecting peer: too much failed deltas

    What the hell does "too much failed deltas" mean??

    After this happens I can reconnect to any other server just fine, but not to that one. I don't think it's a ping thing because it even happened with Pozo's U.S. server and my ping always stays around 160 or lower there. Also it does not appear to be a ban timer because I was disconnected from Pozo's many hours ago and the same message keeps appearing.

  2. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    So I was playing some more, and I found more "bad delta" messages. This is what they look like:

    [206737] Object with ID 3004 not found (object falsely destroyed on client?) Bad Delta!

    If enough of these pile up, it seems I get booted from a server for a long time. Any idea what this is?

  3. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    What I deduce is that your client accidentally destroys a block when the server doesn't. Do you lag a lot on the servers you play on, or have a really old computer?
  4. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    As I said in my original post, I don't lag that much, even on european servers (I'm from Canada). Occasionally I'll connect to an Italian or German server and I will get a lag spike that will kickban me, but it doesn't give me the same message as this. I was getting this "too much bad deltas" crap on ANY server, even north american.

    As for my system, it is a gaming laptop from 2008: Asus G1SN with a 2.1 Intel Duo Core processor, 4 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 9500m GS 512 MB video card. Running Vista 64-bit.
  5. Snow

    Snow Guest

    I'll let you borrow my laptop this week and until that problem can get sorted out, if it keeps screwing up on yours.
  6. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    I'm bumping this post. I am STILL getting this bug. I got disconnected from Official Euro three times in a row tonight. "Too many bad deltas" is the message in the status window. Can I get an answer, please? What does this message mean?

    And whatever it is, can we try to fix it in the next build?

  7. Garciat

    Garciat Bison Rider Global Moderator

    Make sure you're not torrenting or making use of your network resources extensively. My best guess is that the "bad deltas" are changes on your client that do not match the server's by consensus of other connected clients in that time interval. Packets may be caching up in the client due to it not being able to flush and dispatched long after the actual events occurred.
  8. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    I rarely if ever download or use my bandwidth for other things while playing KAG. My wife uses the same connection but she doesn't do much with it either. Our transfer rate is about 2mbps so I can't see why that would be the problem.

    It might just be my crappy router though. We do need to get a new one...
  9. themangokid

    themangokid Shipwright

    I have the same problem "too many bad delta/s". "SERVER DISCONNECTED". How do I get rid of it? I have made my own map and it is only on that that I disconnect.

  10. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    I had the same problem with a server after the owner restarted his server, but i managed to type "restart server" before i got disconnected and he restarted and the problem was fixed.