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Discouraging creepers.

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by steve_jobs, Oct 27, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    My idea is this:
    If you die by a keg while holding it, you lose all your money when you respawn. On TTH you would get no bombs when you respawn.

    This discourages all the creepers suicide bombing bases.
  2. oooor, you can just kill people with kegs. its not that hard, really.
    Reudh likes this.
  3. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Why would we discourage suicide bombers? They're good for a chuckle when they aren't properly backed up by their team. Most of the time, these "creepers" work alone and the damage that they do is very easily repairable by a fast builder.

    On a more serious note though, sometimes people die with kegs in hand because they're trying to get that keg away from their base, so why should they be punished for trying to save their team?
    Piano, Crabmaster, EhRa and 2 others like this.
  4. i think they would be more punished if their entire base had disappeared.
  5. CookieEpic

    CookieEpic Shopkeep Stealer

    Or maybe instead a big flag flies out of them saying "BANG!"

  6. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You already almost universally get the suicide penalty anyway, which is 50c plus 30% of your current coin stash iirc. That plus the cost of the keg means I think they're punished enough. Age of Empires 2 had a similar powder-keg suicide bomber unit if I'm not mistaken.
    Crabmaster likes this.
  7. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Yeah. And that was a horrible unit in small numbers.
    Discouraging "creepers" would be horrible. Its fun trying to stop a enemy running at you.
  8. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I think adding a blow back feature with kegs like there is with mines and bombz would be cool. That discourages people in some way from going in by themselves and suicide bombing.
  9. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I think the penalty is high enough now as-is. Often, I suicide keg only as a last resort, as shielding myself and positioning myself next to the spot to be detonated is the safest way to ensure their base's destruction, and then 90% of my allies are like "hurr durr let's stand next to him and wait for the keg to detonate instead of backing away to safety", therefore making my sacrifices constantly useless.
  10. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    The Expansion Pack did, and admittedly I hated that unit so much...useless in small numbers but completely destroyed a base with large numbers...Which is fine except the AI spammed it like crazy!

    Anyway, kegs are a love hate relationship, the hate mainly coming from them failing to do their job(Am I the only one who has had issues with kegs doing no damage because bedrock was UNDER them?) or from allies standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME when it explodes...seriously?

    Otherwise, kegs are pretty good, they are one of the items that if used well can prevent standoffs, unless a giant pit is dug in front of the enemy's base, oddly enough I don't see mines used nearly as often anymore? Kinda glad of this, people using them for siege was annoying.
  11. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Whenever a person throws a keg at my base, I go, nuh uh, not in my house. Then proceed to run at them with the keg and kill them and myself. Lol.
  12. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Ah yes, the aptly-named Petard

    Keep the system the way it is, the damage is easy to repair if done by a newbie most of the time, otherwise keg carriers are easy targets regardless.
  13. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I don't really think there should be any special penalty for suicide bombing, because sometimes it's the right option and you should never be punished for doing the optimal move. However I feel that the actual keg mechanics could use some tweaking. It's dumb how kegs encourage you to suicide and also I feel that kegs are kinda luck based; if a scrub charges in with a keg and due to respawn there just happens to be a slight gap in the enemy forces said scrub can waltz in doing tonnes of damage without having really earned it. That said I do like how kegs really cut down on overbuilding, though it doesn't help that much in the case of buildings on a cliff (the biggest problem).
    Crabmaster likes this.
  14. JoshTG

    JoshTG Ballista Bolt Thrower

    kegs arent hard to stop if you see them comming
  15. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    I think the best strategy when rushing with a keg is to cook it beforehand, but it takes a lot of practice to get that distance right, and I always get a little distracted by all the chaos and miss the throw at the wall... or I just die from *insert death cause here*.

    Maybe make the keg flash a dangerous RED to let everyone in the vicinity know to GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE??? (and dodge the blast, haha, I'm sorry)

    It would be consistent with the bombs. People just don't get this s*** is dangerous.
    Klokinator likes this.
  16. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Yeah I'd like it if the moment before the keg exploded there was some big visual cue that told everyone "THAR SHE BLOWS!". I've learned to time it correctly, but being a bit more visual couldn't hurt either.
Mods: Rainbows