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Do Builders take skill?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xXDaemonXx, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. xXDaemonXx

    xXDaemonXx Shipwright

    I was recently talking to a friend and he told me that he believes that builders take no skill. I was just wondering what you guys think about this comment.
  2. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Yes they do, builders without skill are called "casuals" and they ruin EVERYTHING AND LOSE GAMES!
    For example "casuals" make the dreaded door hallway.
    They fill in Acavado doors.
    Make big ass walls that dont help and cost to much.
    Make bigass spike pits with no stone so the other team digs into you base.
    MooCowMan, Noburu, Beef and 2 others like this.
  3. Salted

    Salted Bison Rider

    I think your friend is wrong. If it's so easy then why so many players can't build something normal and just keep digging during the whole battle? Because they've got no skill and don't know what to do
  4. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I'd agree with Salted and AJ. Skilled players create structures that have functionality, are easy for team members to pass through easily without getting hurt, slow and hurt enemies, and provide a good defense.

    Really skilled builders can kill a knight with their hammer without using glitches.
  5. xXDaemonXx

    xXDaemonXx Shipwright

    Yeah I was just now in a game and this builder is trying to dig through bedrock and another is stacking team doors in a row...idiots.
  6. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Trying to dig through bedrock is okay if it's the first time you've played. I know I did the same thing the first time I played. Someone then said it was unbreakable so I never tried that again. Door hallways are the same. First time players are exempt though since it's basically impossible for them to have skill (the builder tutorial in game sucks). After someone tells you that door hallways are bad, you are never allowed to do it again. If you do it again then you are a noob and lack any skill
  7. xXDaemonXx

    xXDaemonXx Shipwright

    About the door hallway someone told him to stop and he continued to do it stating '' It is harder for them to break through''. I also agree with you the builder tutorial in game is horrible but at least there is one unlike archer or knight, and no i don't count the sword fight as training for knights.
  8. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Door hallways re the most evil thing ever.
  9. xXDaemonXx

    xXDaemonXx Shipwright

    Agreed but only for the team who has to go through them every time they spawn.
  10. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    One word. Strathos.

    He sets the builder skill level so high that all the rest of the builders have a lot of catching up to do.
    Wonkyth, AJ, Noburu and 5 others like this.
  11. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Strathos is the best builder.EVER!
    He places blocks so fast its like hes in editor.(Hes not though)
  12. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    As far as ive noticed you can either be a good base builder that make good fortifications and whatnot or a good support builder that brave the frontlines and clear obstacles for the rest of the team.
  13. Or you can be a normal builder. That means you build ground level door hallways and shoot your team's fortifications with a catapult.
    Eggnogg, Rayne, Neat and 1 other person like this.
  14. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    It takes skill to make something functional and cost effective. It is just like the real world. Architects and Engineers strive to find a solution that is cost effective and gets the job done the best.
    Birdman159 likes this.
  15. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    If you're a poor builder, you'll actively detract from your team by either rushing in and losing a ton of lives, by mining without really doing anything useful, or most likely by building superfluous structures that delay your team or take many lives when the enemy collapses them.

    If you're an okay builder, you understand the importance of setting up a defence that affords your team a minor strategic advantage, such as a wall with a door and an archer's nest. Hopefully you'll watch and repair your structure, possibly even moving up when the coast is clear. You'll start to build bomb and arrow shops as well. You'll dabble in traps.

    If you're a decent builder, you'll be able to tell how "defended" an area is at a glace, and know which fortifications are effective at different strategic positions. You'll swoop in to steal dropped resources from your fallen enemies, but not wade into combat under knightly delusions. If you're on a team with a strong offensive force, you'll be a great boon to them, allowing them to maintain the pressure by creating a defendable bastion when the majority of them are dead. You'll correct traps that you deem "unsafe", for better or worse, and you'll hopefully try to cooperate with your fellow builders.

    If you're a good builder, you'll have a mental arsenal of different towers. Your catapults will be feared, your archer nests sturdy, and your shops in good positions. Your traps will take a few lives, and you'll actively disable the enemy builders' defenses when the coast is clear or when you have a cadre of knights. By this point, it's very useful to have good communication skills with your team, to inform them of traps and dangers.

    If you're an expert builder, you'll be able to erect your structures from "good" builder fast enough to build them under duress. This is, as far as I can tell, the major difference between a good and expert builder. You'll also be wiser in regards to hiding and deploying traps, killing multiple knights at a time. They will hate you.

    Finally, if you're a master builder, hey Strathos. I didn't know you were reading this.
  16. Dr_Ghost

    Dr_Ghost Shopkeep Stealer

    I like the builders who can go into enemy territory, place a few blocks in key foothole/ladder/door positions, slowing the enemy down dramatically, which gives his team a good push forward.

    A Builders only gametype could be kinda fun I think.

    Edit: Now I really want to play a match with Strathos in it to see what all the fuss is about :D
  17. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    My catas are feared thats it from good builder other than that im decent.
  18. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I can't even touch Strathos as a builder, I';m just glad he never battle builders me and jumps on my head and shit to rape but is defensive instead.
  19. I don't think there is "skill levels" to being a builder (Like bad to good), but rather you are a casual, and you don't know how to build, or you know how to not be an idiot, like not building door tunnels etc.
  20. ChJees

    ChJees Shipwright

    I find it quite enjoyable to be a builder in this game :). Quite fun and intense to quickly raise 6+ block half-towers when you are doing a push.
    So yes, Builders do take skill just like Knights and Archers.