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Downloaded KAG Classic - Can't play online

Discussion in 'General Help' started by BO13COOP, Jul 28, 2013.

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  1. BO13COOP

    BO13COOP Builder Stabber

    So, when the new KAG Beta came I deleted the old KAG client, because I didn't think I would use it, and downloaded the new one. My laptop is pretty slow, so KAG Beta lagged (fps) on servers with many players. So I felt like not playing the new KAG yet because it felt so different. So I went to the website, downloaded KAG classic and installed it. When I went to play online there were no servers and such, and it says it's build 422, which tells why there were no servers.
    Does anyone have any idea how it can be fixed, or do I just wait for the developers to post a newer build instead?
  2. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Go to X/KAG/App and delete the version.txt, then start the launcher again and you should be good.
  3. BO13COOP

    BO13COOP Builder Stabber

    Thank you. :) :thumbs_up:
  4. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    You're welcome.

    Locked as this is resolved.
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