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[DRAMA ON]In the Russian section requires adequate russian moderator

Discussion in 'General Help' started by AHrEJl, Sep 21, 2011.

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  1. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    First of all, sorry for my bad English. But I hope my words are understandable to you.
    U can use google translate, to understand what was going on talking in russian topics.

    Since I am ignoring the administrators and moderators. I decided to push it to the public in this topic.In the Russian section of many inadequate personalities that interfere with communication to others. One of these individuals is your KAG GUARD Frank. Who kills in the birth Russian-speaking community, along with other bad guys...One manifestation of this, it's negative attitude towards about the development of rolplay, about creating new maps, modes, abusing words, offtoping, lying. Promotion of other trolling inadequate as hronos and Sh0dai.

    Proofs and explanations below:

    1. Abusing, trolling, offtoping, lie from KAG GUARD Frank. Please take away the rights of the game Moderator from Frank. I'm tired to translate alot of text rus to eng, but im try. What would the moderators did not cover him. Because he's a good attitude to the moderators. At least he said so.

    U can read what going on here, use google translate to translate rus to eng


    а) He called me batya. This mean like dad in rus lang, but in bad mean of this word in this sentence.In this way he humiliated me. I did not humiliate him never.
    b) He use bad/abuse words Маза фака - this mean Mother fucker.

    c) promote trolling and abusing me fromSh0dai and hronos
    - calling me batya after hronos call. This promote trolling and abusing.
    - promote Sh0dai trolling and abusing me
    U can read what going on here, use google translate to translate rus to eng

    d) He lies and uses her status to ban other innocent players. He does not like.
    He coming in to rented servers and abusing server admins. When people ask him to ban grifier he don't. Frank say that the player toks4700 griefers. When other players, including me, say it is a lie. Because the toks4700 server admin in the first place, and secondly he is an archer.I know this man very long time from other games, this man has always conducted himself adequately.

    U can read what going on here, use google translate to translate rus to eng


    2. Abusing from Sh0dai

    3. Abusing from hronos


    Attached Files:

    GoldMiner and Heroes0072 like this.
  2. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    Maybe for you it's not an insult, like the mother fu***r. But for me it's an insult, because I am theleader of the clan / community. When he humiliates me at all.In the topic of my clan.

    Может для тебя это не оскорбление, как и мамка. Но для меня это оскорбление, потому что я являюсь лидером клана/сообщества. Когда этот человек меня при всех унижает. В теме же моего клана. Я терпел все его повадки, но мое терпение лопнуло.
  3. Frank

    Frank Shopkeep Stealer

    lol this guy have some serious problems with his oversized ego...
    whole russian section can say the same thing about you, AHrEJl... stop making a scandal out of your personal hate.

    wow, just wow... so much hate out of nothing.

    gosh he lies so much... lets make a poll! You'll see that whole russian subforum will be on my side. Everyone can proove that, I'm 100% friendly to every single user on these forums except AHrEJl. Poll can proove my words. Let other people from russian subforums cast their vote, youll see who's right and who's f***in liar.

    edit: oh and plz stop editing your 1st post, I see you doing this not in the first time
  4. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    facts are facts :D ur trying badly... need more practise too lie ... for every action and words you have to answer, but instead, that would have to admit you're. lying mode on, your words can only confirm your clanmates
  5. Frank

    Frank Shopkeep Stealer

    lol yea You and those 2 guys from your clan which you called via Skype or whatever. Nice to see your true face, buddy.
  6. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    w8 toks4070 what he said. whom you have slanded as a grifier.

    You can only threaten ban admins of rented servers. Which you do not like


    Attached Files:

  7. Frank

    Frank Shopkeep Stealer

    that problem was solved centuries ago -_- and how's it connected with this hysteric topic?
  8. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    I have his contact Skype, when it appears I will ask him to look here
  9. Frank

    Frank Shopkeep Stealer

    oh so he's your friend? how surprising is that!
    I already know what he'll say considering the fact that he has banned me from his server with words "Ban me or ill ban you!". All that trolling from his side, insults in my adress and my reports about him as a griefer doesnt even deserve to be mentioned here. I know that he was talking with you right after that so yea, please, invite him to this thread, would be interresting to read what you tell him to write here.

    That's just embarrasing. This should be a private discussion, not a public hysteria of a 22 years old guy continuing his holywar against his personal enemy. Behave.
  10. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Locked. Please stop spamming my inbox and reports.
    I'll have a look at whole situation once I have some free time.
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