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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by Arik1, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. Arik1

    Arik1 Catapult Fodder

    Server: Baron's Warchest Mixed-maps CTF

    Time: 12:22 PM

    Chat Logs
    [12:22:00] Withror left the game
    [12:22:31] Jon Snow (Durveniir) has joined Blue Team
    [12:23:12] <Jon Snow> everyone come here
    [12:23:12] <-----------Lefty----> thanks alot morgondag......
    [12:23:23] <MOLE Titmau5> e.e
    [12:23:23] That_one_guy_guildle left the game
    [12:23:36] Tirmit connected
    [12:23:38] Tirmit has joined Blue Team
    [12:23:41] inthesky connected
    [12:23:42] inthesky has joined Red Team
    [12:24:07] <[AG#] Verz> hahaha, water is sooo funny
    [12:24:25] Left4Dead23 left the game
    [12:24:35] <26 luks> LOL
    [12:24:39] Jon Snow (Durveniir) has joined Red Team
    [12:24:52] <BRTL Veronart> * griefer *
    [12:24:54] <[รจ] CoolArik1> JON WHAT
    [12:24:56] Jon Snow (Durveniir) has joined Blue Team
    [12:24:58] <BRTL Veronart> * kick him *
    Reason: Griefing

    Comments: They switched to our team, lit a bunch of kegs, and switched back.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Anszej like this.
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Banned/flagged for 2 days.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Noburu and Anszej like this.