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End of round "emote-wheel"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ZeroZ30o, Nov 9, 2013.

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  1. ZeroZ30o

    ZeroZ30o Haxor

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating system: Windows
    Build number: Build 935 Version 0.97
    Description: We won. I was using emotes, and the wheel got stuck graphically. I couldn't remove it on the new round, even when pressing the emote again. I did *not* select an emoticon from the list, just pressed the button, held it, round restarted, and the wheel was stuck there. (blank wheel, with no emotes selected)
    Steps to reproduce: End the round (wining in my case, but it probably applies to losing) while pressing and holding the emote key, but without selecting any (the center of the wheel should be blank, and it should stay there at the following round).
    Screenshots/Videos: Didn't take any.

    Kazaco: Duplicate Thread
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2016
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