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Engine has stopped working

Discussion in 'General Help' started by omgnoseat, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. omgnoseat

    omgnoseat Shipwright


    I've purchased KAG today from desura, but am having troubles running the game. When the game comes up I immediatly get the follow errors:


    Sorry for the window blocking the console, I had to be pretty quick because the screen only comes up really short.
    I tried to run both the desura game and the installer from this website. I've tried running the .exe as an administrator aswell.

    I also get the message:
    This error dissapears when running as admin, and the error doesn't appear on the installed version, which I installed in C:\KAG

    I've tried reinstalling and rebooting multiple times aswell.

    Edit: Just checked, the said Logs/pid.txt is there. There are some logs in that folder aswell with the following data:

    Thanks in advance.
  2. omgnoseat

    omgnoseat Shipwright

    Solved, rolled back my graphic cards driver :)
    illu likes this.
  3. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    I have the same error..Everytime I open my kag it close itself for no reason can you help me?

    Sometime it take more longer before closing sometime taking 5 sec and close weird!!!