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Expose more variables to server config files

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by hierbo, Dec 4, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. hierbo

    hierbo Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Hey guys,

    While working with some of my new modder friends, it has become evident to me that there are a large number of game variables resident in the game scripts that are simply constants that are readily accessible, and can have a big game impact when adjusted. However, making those adjustments causes the server to report as "non-vanilla", even when no code is added. What's more, every time the software updates, any changes you've made to pre-existing game scripts are overwritten.

    I'd like to propose the following changes to allow admins more ability to set up "house rules" without having to edit the code of the game to do so:

    Rather than store the constants directly in the script files, have those scripts pull those values from autoconfig.cfg, or some other new config file. This config file can include constants such as slash damage, builder max health, heart drop rate, item availability, and item costs, to name just a few. This new house rules system could be accompanied by a minor adjustment to the server directory, where games with modified values light up an on-screen button that marks the server as having house rules, and clicking on that button specifies which rules are changed.

    The benefits I see here are that server admins have a lot more freedom to customize their servers without requiring programming knowledge, differentiating minor tweaks from full-blown mods, and eliminating the problem of software updates overwriting servers' adjustments.
    Shadlington and SAcptm like this.
Mods: Rainbows