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Windows Fail-to-Start and Bluescreen in Zombie Mode

Discussion in 'General Help' started by LunarNeil, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. LunarNeil

    LunarNeil Catapult Fodder

    Hey forum,

    I've been encountering two errors, and wondering if they are common to any singular cause.

    First, the game will often not start properly, causing it to close. I have a hard time reading the terminal before it closes, but I can see it trying something and then closing. This is most common during the beginning phases, before I get to the "single, multi, settings" menu. I usually just run the thing a few times until it boots properly.

    Second, after a few minutes in zombie mode the game will bluescreen. I don't get a verbose message, it just seems to point at a memory location, but my memory is solid and I've had no problems other than this game despite all of my many heavily memory-intensive tasks, so I think something is goofing with the game.

    I have started the game up right after rebooting my computer, and it still bluescreens, so closing programs down is not the sole answer. It should have more than enough memory.

    It seems like it may be a pathing problem with the zombies or some kind of terrain interaction. I'm not positive, that just seems to be the behavior I notice before the thing collapses.

    In any case, really enjoy the game, wish I could play more of it! Looking forwards to being able to play it! Anyone got any advice?
    </br>--- merged: Mar 4, 2013 3:57 AM ---</br>
    Does anyone know anything about this? Is there a more appropriate forum to request help?
  2. Solaris

    Solaris Batlord Sliftensnurgh Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    1. Try re-installing the game, delete all trace of the game on your computer. There could be a problem with a file.
    2. Try running the game in Administrator mode (Right click KAG, run as administrator)
    3. Install Razer game booster. (http://www.razerzone.com/gamebooster) The program closes unnecessary programs, so your CPU can focus on running the game. I know that you mentioned you've never had memory problems before, but its worth a try.

    Hope this helps.