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fast gameplay for no reason

Discussion in 'General Help' started by leopard_knot, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. leopard_knot

    leopard_knot Shipwright

    So I have been playing the game for several weeks and I noticed yesterday night that the game felt faster than normal. What I mean by this is that EVERYTHING was SPEEDING UP, and I can't figure out why. So, I asked everybody in the server if they noticed anything strange, since on my screen the physics were noticeably faster. Everybody in the server said that it was fine. However, when I tried playing just a few minutes ago I was moving like a speedhacker. Nobody believed what I had to say and I got kicked.

    I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling. It did not fix my problem.

    Is this happening to anyone else?
    Does anyone know how to fix it?

    **3 minutes later**

    I just got banned from Mazer Realm.


    Where can I submit a bug report?
  2. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  3. leopard_knot

    leopard_knot Shipwright

    Dude, you rock, thank you.
  4. Darcia

    Darcia Chief Fur Love Director <3 Donator Tester

    I'd contact Mazer Realm as well if I were you, and quote this thread and the other as proof you were not speed hacking.