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Filling out the sponge, A sponges expansion!

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Bravo_4, Dec 28, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Bravo_4

    Bravo_4 Catapult Fodder

    Quite simply I had stumbled upon a idea one day looking down upon my ever burning over flooded castle, which was quite an irony to have both happening at the same time and thought to my self as my last sponge exploded. Why?

    Sponges, as you know Explode after use, they stop existing. Quite odd and befuddled I continued to think about why my castle fell and how I could prevent it next time. Truly, sponges?

    Yes I had thought to my self, what if Sponges could save an entire castle. A silly idea?

    Well what if when sponges fill up, they "become" a block, a Full wet and down right decent block that can be placed roughly anywhere.

    Now what would the properties of this block be? Well, for starters, sponges Suck at comprising buildings.
    They just, have no structure really in the slightest. They can even be Ripped to shreds by that one knight in a dark cobbled tunnel who is poking his sword right underneath your floor boards perhaps at this very moment.

    Fire around a sponge would cause it to "steam", become a "normal sponge", Dry up, and of course put out the fire around a "area" similar but not as Grand as a buckets splash. This could be quite useful as Roofing material I tell ya.

    Now finally, and a odd suggestion. While sponges are known to easily be Ripped apart by even a pocket knife in 1 -2 strikes. They however are very resilient to Concussive blasts, that's right While a sponge explodes it nullifies much of the damage that a bomb can make.

    So a small recap, a Sponge block can be a useful thing.

    The absorbed water has it's use for fire fighting and perhaps other unexplored uses.

    Makes castles Less creeky and muffles explosions.

    However a sponge castle may be a silly idea for the following reasons

    It may be weak, breaking in 1 nice strike.

    When have you ever seen a sponge column holding up a gable?

    Sponges already exist, and for all you with sponge allergies it is unfortunate for you that I suggest this idea. Yet, why don't we truly make this mere sponge, exist to it's fullest?
    Klokinator, SAcptm and Monsteri like this.
  2. vik

    vik THD Team THD Team Tester

    So nerf fire arrows? Nah they are fine
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I don't necessarily agree with putting out nearby fires, but explosion resistancy is a neat idea.
  4. Bravo_4

    Bravo_4 Catapult Fodder

    It isn't a nerf considering how hard it is to get allot of sponges. Also teamwork is required to take down any well established castle given that a knight can simply go up and Bash it in one hit taking out multiple blocks of sponge, well it then becomes less desirable as a "structure" which in the end makes your castle very weak if you try to make it Fireproof.

    In the end, you would be nerfing your castle if it is Fireproof, as a Catapult will smile it's biggest grin ever.
  5. SAcptm

    SAcptm Haxor Staff Alumni

    I don't quite know how I feel about the idea but I did love reading that post.
Mods: Rainbows